This Council

You must first determine the question or the problem that you want to solve with your article. If you are in need of a topic, look in the network using your niche keywords or see what questions are doing in the forums people in your niche. 2. Speed of contour. Once you know that is causing the problem to its readers, start your article with the intention of solving this problem.

The easiest start way is to give contour to your article. Use these headers to guide you: a. indicate the problem and promise a solution. (Only enter quick notes at this stage). b. to outline the process to solve the problem. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sen. Sherrod Brown offers on the topic..

Divide it into logical steps 3 to 5. Label each step (this will become a subtitle of his article). c. define the points that you want to place in your conclusion. This Council can be about how get the solution immediately or can share links to resources that can help. Finished on a positive note that leave the reader feeling of satisfaction for having taken the time to read your advice. 3. Speed to write your first draft. Once you make your outline, begin to write the first draft. Please take a few minutes of your time in the first paragraph. Here is where your reader will decide whether continuous or not reading. His work is to demonstrate that you understand exactly what the problem is and you are sure that you can help solve it. Do not use long, endless prayers nor give turns to the topic. Stay in the point. By the end of the first half a dozen sentences, the reader must be on and with desire to continue reading to find the solution. Each of their subtitles 3 to 5 should indicate clearly that will deal with the following paragraphs. Remember that many readers made a quick glance at the article to see if it is worth reading.