
Using a mobile phone as a navigation device while driving is a violation of 23 paragraph 1a StVO dar. Listen to music, communicate, take pictures and surf the World Wide Web. All this and much more is possible with the modern mobile phones. Many can be used as a navigation device. Ideal if you are on the road and has no fixed device. However here is the same as for the use of mobile phones at the wheel. Using a mobile phone as a navigation device while driving is a violation of 23 paragraph 1a StVO dar. The result: a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine.

Alexander Dobiasch and Rupert Richter from Bergen auf Rugen, the lawyers informed the decision of the OLG Hamm. Hands his car driver must free are allowed to use any mobile phones at the wheel. This is known. A current case according to the ban but also refers to the use of the mobile phone as a navigation device. A motorist has been observed at the wheel, as he one Setting the phone made, in order to use it as a navigation.

The police patrol stopped him and announced a fine of 40 euros. Both hands must be free while driving, to properly operate the vehicle. The driver did not agree with the penalty. Wrongly, as noted by the OLG Hamm. “The objection of the driver: the fine provision covers not the use of the mobile phone as a navigation aid” was not considered so. Retrieving data for the navigation be classified using the mobile phone, not allowed and thus is a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine. For detailed information about all services Alexander Dobiasch and Rupert Richter from Bergen, the lawyers are on Rugen anytime available. Press contact contact: lawyers Alexander Dobiasch & Rupert Richter Marktstrasse 8 18528 Bergen auf Rugen phone: + 49 03838 / 25 71 10 fax: + 49 03838 / 25 71 15 E-Mail: website: