Alliance Signatures

Almost half of the required signatures reached since 8500 signatures of supporters for the new referendum be collected the day of the closing of the historic airport Tempelhofam 30 October 2008konnten. More info: Richard Blumenthal. The concurrent petition in the District of Tempelhof Schoneberghat reaches already 5100 signatures. Volker Perplies of the Action Alliance “in just 6 weeks we have achieve nearly half the necessary 20,000 signatures for a petition for the referendum. The receipt of the first and altestenVerkehrsflughafens of the world and the idea of a “UNESCO World Heritage airport Tempelhof” is finally back on the agenda. “The referendum is concluded and if the referendum is successful, is enshrined the monument for the entire airport and permanently prohibits an approved. The Senate of Berlin is obliged also intensively for an appointment as part of the UNESCO of world heritage to engage.

Other claims are Mayor and his separation from Klaus Wowereits The airport company Supervisory Board, and comprehensive information rights for all citizens. Michael Paul of the Alliance: “on the occasion of the held on the Wednesday court date to the approved procedure, we offered the Court to present our signature lists. ‘”On behalf of the nation ‘ gets back its original meaning hopefully again. “The Action Alliance invites all interested parties to participate in the court hearing. You will be on Wednesday, the 17 at 9:00 (attention: change of date!) place in the hemicycle of the Oberverwaltungsgericht in Haghighi Bergstrasse 31. The Action Alliance the courthouse will collect signatures again on this day before. Action Alliance makers of “people’s desire for the world heritage site of Tempelhof and more transparency in politics” and of the citizen’s initiative “the monument airport Tempelhof receive – as world cultural heritage” information, “”, “” and “ “Tel. (0178) 135 23 16”

Social Responsibility On The Example Of Lyoness

The shopping community with their foundations of child & Family Foundation shows Lyoness and together benefit social responsibility together do good! The idea behind the concept of the shopping community of Lyoness is in fact much more than a coherent and consistently implemented refund system, which can be both partners take advantage of the Lyoness member and the increasing number. The community – the idea that one can achieve ‘Everything’ as a community is the basis of the concept of Lyoness. It is therefore only logical to make the aspect of a global community that supports and also the non-privileged people of this world, help and support to, nor more consistently to anchor in the business idea for Lyoness. In 2008, Lyoness has set a fundamental step founded the Lyoness child & Family Foundation (CFF), which clearly emphasizes the social responsibility of the community. The self-employed and independent charitable organisation of Lyoness sees it as its task, socially disadvantaged children, to provide access to education and higher quality of life young people and their families. In recent months, Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has been very successful. How important is the CFF in the shopping community of Lyoness, shows the considerable number of ongoing and completed projects worldwide.

It a goodly number of social initiatives were implemented at national and international level in education, early intervention, emergency aid, to name only the core topics. Including Ethiopia are among the areas of use of child & family foundation of Lyoness, Mexico to Serbia, Poland and some countries mehrund of course Austria. And this was only the beginning, run, but at the time already more extensive projects in the Philippines, Honduras, Tanzania, but also the United States and in Europe. How homogeneous the child & Family Foundation blends as a social foundation in the overall concept of Lyoness, also here is the Community aspect”significantly. For assistance, try visiting Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. Compared to put to other charities at Lyoness to a large extent on the active participation by members of the community. Members are by Lyoness not only systematically invited to contribute ideas or to submit projects.

These can also provide financial support of the Foundation’s work such as with donations or simply by buying at Lyoness partner company. As a part of shopping sales automatically benefit from the projects of the child & Family Foundation. not forgetting is a relatively new foundation of Lyoness, which focuses its work in 2011 on the areas of environmental protection and sustainability. The Foundation initiated an effective climate protection measures by the sustainable preservation and conservation of natural resources – and with a particular focus on the implementation of appropriate measures to reduce the greenhouse effect. A focus is basically the protection threatened habitats and their long-term regeneration and conservation for future generations. The Foundation supports the development of technologies for renewable energy and Climate protection and innovative companies in this segment helps marketing and market entry. Similarly the CFF, works the Foundation purely non-profit, has no intention of winning. Lyoness leads the way: also an economically successful business model can live consistent social responsibility and thereby inspire more and more people. Bernhard Murauer

Ostfale Days 2011 In Barleben

Trade fair is to support especially the domestic economy on 28 and 29 May is 2011 the big trade fair Ostfale days “held in bar life. A high point for the regional economy. Checking article sources yields Ohio Senator as a relevant resource throughout. The special Ostfale days however is the idea, says Sven Fricke. He is Director of the entrepreneurs and ideas of Ostfale days. We want that the earned money stays here in the region.

Therefore we have called 2009 the Ostfale days as a trade show in life.” An ideal option is available with the Ostfale days in the innovation and startup Centre (IGZ) in the technology park of Eastphalia the enterprises of the region, to present themselves to a wider audience. Important business contacts are made and frequently arise in the wake of this fair discussions interesting orders for local companies. Moreover, the Ostfale days used also by many visitors, to inform what the companies in their region do so everything. And thus, the circle is closed again. Read more from Richard Blumenthal to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Because if bar life Business promoter at this trade fair bring together large companies, small businesses and individuals from the region for potential future missions, the good idea is implemented and the idea successful. Also the organizers of Ostfale days quite deliberately to have decided only the exhibition”to be held every two years.

The Ostfale days to have a real added value for all exhibitors and visitors. There should be no trade fair among many, Sven Fricke. This is a further sign that the successful concept of the Ostfale days dedicated people behind, that track in particular further economic strengthening of the region. Over 100 exhibitors and approximately 20 clubs present themselves at an area of about 900 square meters. “Under the programme is also a panel discussion titled mobility is future” planned. Energy prices are rising steadily, and because the relevant companies on the spot, we would like to the developments in the Eastphalia days focuses on show up around the mobility and individual alternatives, such as, for example, the new electric vehicle of community, present. The Panel discussion on Saturday at 11:30, we have organised together with the Industrie – und Handelskammer Magdeburg, our former State Transportation Secretary Dr. Karl-Heinz Daehre and other interlocutors in the industry have announced. A workshop of the State initiative network SMEs, on the same day around 13:00 to 14:30, devoted to the subject of psychology of selling and sales success guarantee for good customer relations. Contact: Thomas Z000zi municipality Barleben press and public relations phone: + 49 (0) 39203 5 65 21 80 fax: + 49 (0) 39203 56 55 21 80

The True Heroes Of Haiti

Rebuild difficult, but progress will be a disaster year was scored Karlsruhe / Port-au-Prince for the Haitian year 2010. To read more click here: visit website. In January with more than 230,000 deaths, the outbreak of cholera followed the devastating earthquake in October. In November swept hurricane of Tomas on the island. Until today, more than a million people live in makeshift emergency camps and depend on the help of organizations and of the international community. Cholera has claimed more than 3,700 lives and 170,000 men, women and children are treated for cholera, according to the Haitian Government, has been.

The number of unrecorded cases is probably significantly higher. Despite this disaster situations Haitians have lost their faith and hope for a better future. And, although the majority of them for daily survival struggled before the earthquake. They are the real heroes of Haiti, as well as the many helpers who sit on the ground for a better future of the Islanders. Heroism has many Name: Erin Kloos, Veronica Lynn, Augusnel Osme, Jean Nebez Augustin or father Richard Frechette. Erin Kloos on January 12, 2010 was in the shower when the earth shook around 16:53 local time.

The 27-year-old made a voluntary social year in the children’s our little brothers and sisters”in Haiti. At the time of the earthquake was at their accommodation in the Father Wasson Center”. Due to the strength of the quake collapsed the building, and Erin was, as her brother Ryan, the volunteer Molly Hightower, whose girlfriend Rachel Prusynsky, and the doctor Manuel Castro buried under the rubble. The herbeigeeilten for helpers, including the two Haitian Augusnel Osme and Jean Nebez Augustin, Erin and Rachel Dr. Castro could mountains alive from the rubble. Any help came too late for her brother Ryan and Molly Hightower. Despite these traumatic experiences returned Erin Kloos back in December as a voluntary helper to Haiti, to the Sanitatszelten of our little brothers and sisters”in the fight against of cholera to help with.