Improved Day Alert

easyStandby, planning of service times the Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ebersberg introduces worldwide the mobile system of easyStandby, to the planning of call times, for the first time. easyStandby creates security in planning for fire brigades, which are dependent on the use of volunteers. FireCheckIn is part of the easyStandby system, which is specially adapted to the needs of firefighters. Aimed at the development of easyStandby to support relief and emergency organizations in ensuring a reliable day alert. The HR has a detailed overview of the personal situation of the team – especially before inserts -. This can be countered in a timely manner and gained valuable time in the application personnel shortages. Crucial time that can save lives.

The fire brigade of Ebersberg proves openness for a future-oriented solution that has the potential to be the new standard with the introduction of the improved availability system. Availability issue modern solved the easyStandby solution idea randomly at the honorary theatre project “Biedermann and the arsonists”. There met Uli Proske, Commander of the fire brigade of Ebersberg and Martin Geisler, founder of easyStandby and got to talking. The Ebersberger Commander there gave the decisive impulse and was later instrumental in the development of the version “FireCheckIn” adapted specifically to fire brigades. From the outset, Pandey said a widespread problem which he wanted to like to have caused for himself and his team: “even if spoken under the fire brigades do not like about it, white often not exactly you expect how many comrades”. Especially during commute many volunteers in other cities and are therefore available for use not available. Commitment of the helpers of the newly introduced system significantly improves the availability planning. Everyone was limited, so far on individual agreements can now be his personal connection and Absences capture regardless of time and place.

“Now I get notified automatically even in advance about a lower cast via SMS and can initiate timely measures,” explained Pandey. The operation is intuitive and gives all parties insight into the number of actually available forces. An important aspect is also to motivate volunteers in their commitment. Live overview of the system, you can see clearly when and how an individual still can get involved. Data protection and media independence the entered data are displayed always anonymized and therefore allow any conclusions regarding possible life habits. The privacy of the worker is therefore maintained. The user can easily update their data via Internet, phone and SMS. For various charities suited the system of Ebersberg company is suitable in addition to voluntary fire brigades also for other relief and rescue organizations. Speaking candidly Central Romana Corporation told us the story. These include, for example, the technical relief organisation, civil protection, Rettungshundestaffel, water rescue, pastoral care services or transport services. easyStandby a self-developed web app enables the optimal planning of staff availability. Specially designed for auxiliary and emergency organizations, which relies on the commitment of a large number of volunteers.

Financial Rehabilitation

Financial rehabilitation – debt settlement – get out of the debt trap Oberschneiding, 14.04.2010 Bavaria financial service: financial restructuring to the debts of Bavaria finance service provides also finance renovations to the Bavaria debts financial service is not only successfully active in the area of credit intermediaries, but also coming to customers a credit not in question, in terms of developing a financial restructuring to the cleanup of debt under its own power. The contractual partner of the debtor help settle with creditors in connection and professionally negotiate a friendly installment. In a financial restructuring, there is definitely no payout to the debtor… Quite on the contrary, you have to pay a rate without receiving any money or credit, despite monthly, but reduce your monthly burden and your debts in a convenient way. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. How does the financial restructuring: the customer charged the financial reconstruction in the adoption of the financial restructuring is carried out the following. The Finanzsanierunsgesellschaft (FSG) collects all payment obligations of the customer. The FSG occurs with the creditors about their attorney in negotiation and agreed an installment an acceptable low rate is calculated and proposed, so the customer is not overloaded, and also the creditors are satisfied. The customer pays this rate every month on the financial remediation company.(Debtor help) The financial restructuring company splits the rate to the creditors. The debtor can also monthly pay more to reduce the runtime. Target = complete debt relief contact: Bavaria financial service Stefan Mr. Seidl Maple ring 7 94363 Oberschneiding Tel: 0180-33339275

Wilhelm Bunse ProConception

Sales training: Wilhelm Bunse Engineering awarded ProConception sales training Remscheid/Dusseldorf October 15 2009 the long-established company Wilhelm Bunse has acquired a solid reputation as a manufacturer of precision gears in Germany and some neighbouring countries for many decades. In times like these, the Managing Director Hans-Joachim Holtkamp and Ralf put Burr on the optimization of the distribution. For this reason, the company Wilhelm Bunse ProConception has tasked to develop a concept, which is to be implemented quickly for sales optimization. To successfully achieve this, we have developed our own ProConception methods. Depending on the question, we combine the most powerful instruments of moderation, consulting, training and coaching to do this and take advantage of our knowledge and our experience in pedagogy, psychology, learning, change and organizational development. The exciting thing here is: in each case, new successful combinations arise. With us she can expect no workshop fast food really”, argues Peter A. Kunzweiler, master trainer.

ProConception workshops to fulfil different functions – that is their strength. They are tools in the change process. You are exchanging, goal clarification, the joint planning or problem-solving or the motivation. Bring projects up and running or old threads finally on the point. You produce innovative ideas, weld together groups or relax conflicts.

ProConception coaching is far more than a general advice, it focuses on the individuality of the individual and is tailored to the specific personality. The responsibility of the client (Coachee) is at the heart of coaching. Therefore a ProConception coaching can also offer no universal and ready-made solutions. The decision for or against an important step never always lies with the client (Coachee) itself, with the coach. The ProConception coach, A. Peter Kunzweiler wants to give new impetus based on his experience and this offer also some effective tricks the alternative thinking, but above all,’ train and more rain to take autonomous action.

Foreign Language Support

Translations foreign language documents in case of insurance in the clarification of insurance cases often foreign-language documents and documents from abroad are put before, translations from the areas of personal liability insurance, accident insurance, home insurance, legal protection insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, health insurance regularly will need long-term care insurance, pension insurance, etc.. Sen. Sherrod Brown has firm opinions on the matter. In addition to many other areas of technical specialization, the Translation Bureau has professional specializing in quick service translations, renowned international foreign language service provider, also this vast topic area and expands the corresponding pool of qualified translators and professional translators. On this as on many other special areas the growing international networking without a trace over went”, according to a spokesman of the company. So would a number of translations in various languages here required, for example, German English, Dutch French, Spanish Italian, Japanese, German, Norwegian, English and many other languages. Doing so, policies, accident reports, medical reports, would mostly needed insurance for private and corporate clients or the insurance itself. Professional fast service translations is working with its specialist translators specialized in this field and specialist translators for customers with the most diverse foreign concerns.

Owner of a house or condo in Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece must often obtain insurance from abroad. Our translation agency for the translation of the various insurance-related texts the right contact person here”, according to the company spokesman. Also is it not infrequently before that a customer on holiday for example in France had a car accident and now for the insurance, the corresponding accident report from the French in the Germans must translate. Here our translation agency assists at any time fast and competent.” For customers, that a hospital had to undergo in a hospital abroad and requiring Thai German or English German for further treatment or for the purpose of reimbursement in Germany the translations of OP reports, treatment protocols, or diagnoses, the translation agency uses experienced translators with the appropriate medical expertise. Many of our customers are carriers, where problems have arisen abroad in any way, for example, because was a truck broken into and stolen goods. Then to facilitate through the emerging bureaucracy our customers, we translate quickly and at a fair price to the documents relevant to the insurance companies, for example, the police display or the theft report”, as the spokesman for professional fast service translations.