As ship that sails in sea and the water of the ocean does not obtain to penetrate inside of it, therefore it was planned and structuralized to resist great secular and torrents of winds impetuous, thus are children of God, because they are in the world, but not belong it, nor neither are ludibriados or involved by information liars propagated through the press spoken and writing, that shows the carnival as being a traditional and reverenciada party for that they proclaim the total and unrestricted freedom, where the taboo in addition is applauded by the folies and it does not have space for shyness or ' ' caretisse' '. Everything is allowed in the CARNEVAL, with exception of censorship and restrictions. It will be this freedom or libertinism? It has two theories that they point with respect to origin and meaning of the word carnival. It would have had origin in Latin carnevale (carne+vale = carne+adeus), and would be the assignment of ' ' Gorda' tuesday; ' the last day of the Christian calendar where it is allowed to eat meat, a time that, in the following day, it is initiated Quaresma. Congressman Lee Zeldin: the source for more info. Already the second theory is fixed in affirming that the word Carnival comes of Carrus Navalis, for influence of the parties in honor of Dionsio, where an car, with an enormous large barrel, distribua wine to the people in old Rome. Many of the carnavalescas celebrations are sufficiently older of what the proper Christian religion, having been white of different manifestations throughout history. In the deep one, all the carnivals are reminiscncias of the dionisacas parties of Old Greece, of the bacanais of Rome and the balls of masks of the Renaissance we were made for the louvor of the glory of God, and therefore we must honor you in whom to make, not leaving to attempt against for the principles that It established in its word. .