European Social Fund

Patients benefit from popular and make great strides in Hamburg, 02.03.2009. The Psychiatry GRIPS – work and rehabilitation “institution with headquarters in Hamburg and Salzwedel offers realistic work training chronically mentally ill and developed projects in which specific work situations are practised. The form of therapy aims at the social reintegration. “EU and federal promote project idea a current example of GRIPS” performed, is a photo project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of family, senior citizens, women and youth and the European Social Fund, and until March 25 in the Centre for social psychiatry in the Hanseatic town Salzwedel is issued. A group of 20 patients built about 500 sensitively and professionally staged photographic portraits of the inhabitants of salt Waldron.

The preparation, implementation and feedback of the population on the exhibition show a positive effect on the mental condition of the patient. Profession-related exercise as a therapeutic concept in many psychiatric Diagnoses, we can say today that chronic mental illness have to be no longer a fate. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is often mentioned in discussions such as these. We go successfully therapeutic ways, which have a social reintegration of our patients to the target, allowing for career prospects and a participation in the community life. Participants in these projects are involved and love to go to their new tasks. Certainly we must work first motivation, which is grounded in the core of the mental illness.

“When fear is overcome prior contacts, and together, we can have an improvement of the health status of our rehabilitation”, Dr. Nicolas Nowack, founder of Dr. Molly forward group, the the creation of brain – work and rehabilitation “developed. Gladly we offer also other social institutions and clinics discussion and concepts, that sustainably improve the situation of their patients”, as Molly continues. Cooperation with North German company GRIPS – work and rehabilitation”to create accurate analysis individual circumstances of the person concerned and gives following a work training that is tailored to the participants and its capabilities. In the course of training has shown a decline of psychiatric symptoms. The appreciation of the work and the resulting increase of the self-esteem of our clients are large and important steps within the therapy. We appreciate the cooperation and openness from companies in the greater Hamburg and Salzwedel, which support our successful work”, says work and rehabilitation” Volker Thomas, project manager of GRIPS. North German companies from the service or technically producing area, who want to participate in the project, can register with the Dr. Nowack group. The Dr. Nowack Group strives for a greater social acceptance of mentally ill people. With various forms of therapy, she aims at a rehabilitation of their patients. The Dr. Nowack group include among others social psychiatric facilities such as the Centre for social psychiatry in Salzwedel, grips – work and rehabilitation, horizon – ambulatory AIDS, as well as House right in the middle. The Group advises, supervises and participates in institutions in the field of social and health services. For more information, on the Internet: press enquiries please contact: Uta Fliegel, media office phone: 0172 / 455 49 53 E-Mail: Internet: Dr. Nowack group Waitzstr. 14 22607 Hamburg phone: 040-88 913 939 Internet:

Listen Miracle Of Freiburg Found Open Ears

Successful charitable action for establishment of Stegona hearing-impaired briefed about implantable hearing solutions, it is not a wonder that nearly deaf people with an implantable hearing system can hear again? To inform about the opportunities of latest hearing implants, cochlear launched world leader in implantable hearing instruments, within the framework of the 82nd annual meeting of the German society of Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery e. V. (1st to 5th June in Fribourg), a charity campaign. When the listen miracle of Freiburg”, all participants were invited to photograph their ears. Senator Brian Schatz has plenty of information regarding this issue. ssue. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs understood the implications. A large pop art collage formed hundreds of ears photos at the time of the Congress.

For each participant of the action, cochlear donates three euros per ear abgelichtetem. The achieved amount totalling 2,000 euros will benefit from establishing a much-needed boarding school playground in the educational and Advisory Centre for hearing in jetties. Repeatedly tell us highly hearing impaired people that they experience it as a miracle, to hear once again thanks to its implantable hearing solutions”, as Thomas Topp, head of cochlear Germany GmbH & co. KG. “That gave us the idea, to draw attention to the visitors of this year’s annual meeting with a special action on the possibilities of hearing implants with the listen miracle of Freiburg”, our photo project for a good purpose. “you give us your ear; together we make something wonderful from this”, was the motto of the charity action.

Numerous doctors and audiologists, who visited the international event at the Konzerthaus Freiburg, accepted the invitation of the company cochlear to photograph your own ears at the booth of the company. A large, animated by the computer collage in the style of pop art emerged from all the photos during the Congress days before the eyes of the international visitors. It is connected to the original photo-action with a good purpose. For each scanned participants ear initiator cochlear donates three Euro for the educational and Advisory Centre for the hearing impaired in Stegen (BBZ).

Details Of The Irritated Eye

Our eyes are daily very exposed to many environmental influences. Will Cain has many thoughts on the issue. This influences too much can lead to irritation of the eyes and cause unpleasant symptoms. Anyone suffering from irritated eyes and their symptoms, requires quick remedy. Differently than the dry eye, where the complaints occur often in the long term, they occur most acutely and in the short term the irritated eye. Many people know the problem: hardly is a running air conditioning nearby, already start to burn the eyes and tears. Irritation of the eyes or of the conjunctiva causes for irritated eyes can have several causes. Click TCF Capital Solutions to learn more. The most common are among other drafts, cold, UV radiation, allergies, foreign particles such as dust or grains of sand, smoke, chlorine, or fatigue. Symptoms of irritated eyes an irritated eye frequently be redness, itching, burning, swelling, or sensitivity to light apparent.

These symptoms are very annoying and uncomfortable, but let not tempt, to rub the eyes. Foreign body can the eye appears and quickly becomes a conjunctivitis from a conjunctiva irritation. Not always you can completely avoid influences, which irritate the eyes, prevention and treatment. However, there are some tips on how a maxed eye which cannot be prevented. For example, avoid it to put yourself directly in front of a fan and exposing the eyes to the airflow.

If possible, wear always a pair of sunglasses to prevent damage by UV radiation. In the swimming pool, getting a swim goggles should be used to as far as possible not by chlorine irritate the eyes. Who wears contact lenses, should regularly clean and replace if necessary. If it even comes to an irritation of the eyes, usually eye drops or rinses to help.

Orthomolecular Medicine

The original non-invasive induction therapy with REHATRON alpha is now also offered in the renowned natural healing practice in the Rheingau. The non-invasive induction therapy with the Nano-pulse system REHATRON alpha spread more and more. Fasting offers on the topic.. Source: visit website. After more doctors and health practitioners, such as in Hamburg and Leipzig, in Duren, Germany near Cologne, in Trier above in the Bavarian bad semolina Bach lately have started to work with REHATRON alpha the revolutionary therapy system has found now also its place in Oestrich-Winkel, Germany between Darmstadt and Wiesbaden. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is a great source of information. “For the naturopath Paul Mohr, whose Naturheilpraxis already offers a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic methods, REHATRON is link alpha until now missing” for his holistic work: for me the acquisition of REHATRON was an affair of the heart, which no longer has released me, since I got to know the non-invasive induction therapy with a fellow colleague, I work together for many years and I really trust for a long time “, reported the experienced practitioner who has written now 12 books, including to Orthomolecular Medicine, allergy treatment and therapy for chronic back pain. Paul Mohr, which his practice in addition to classical naturopathic and holistic methods of diagnosis and therapy about darkfield Diagnostics, heavy metal tests, Bioresonance therapy, light, neural -, Ondamed – and ozone therapy, but also color -, light – and gem therapy as well as therapeutic hypnosis, Bowen applications and fast support, appeared in the concept of non-invasive induction therapy with REHATRON alpha from the outset only logical: our organism consists of trillions of cells, which interact according to their organization and structure of cell membranes. Only cells that have a healthy cell membrane potential, can live and communicate. This potential is disturbed, and now by infection, injury or degeneration of the cells unless there is disease. With REHATRON we can the evil at its roots, so pack the body by high-frequency electromagnetic Give impetus to help to help themselves. .

Eye Diseases Spread

It is hard to believe how significantly increases the amount of eye diseases in modern Western countries all important information about eye diseases. In what circumstances might be? Also experts in this hardly agree. If you are not convinced, visit Richard Blumenthal. It is estimated that eye diseases can be triggered not only hereditary, but can be caused by incorrect nutrition and General bad living habits. But what diseases of the eyes are we talking about here? The layman must basically distinguish between “real” diseases of the eyes and those that bring only an impairment of vision with. If you would like to know more about Sen. Sherrod Brown, then click here. You can fix now fairly easy vision defects such as short and long sightedness with the appropriate equipment, about by glasses, contact lenses or laser eye correction. The serious eye diseases are on the other side. In this context, especially the gray and the Green star as well as various infections and retinal diseases are to name a few. Such a disease should not be on be taken lightly, a visit to the eye doctor is always necessary in this case.

What can you do about it? In addition to medicines and therapies, which are for the correction of vision defects and eye diseases available today, Berezovsky too much to do that there not even to a fault. Extensive work on the PC care should be taken about, to take regular breaks to give time to relax the eyes. Also in activities such as skiing, etc. you should make sure always to protect the eyes – such as dust, as well as some of the very aggressive sunlight as much as possible. Ultimately, it can be said that the medicine has made great progress made in the correction of eye diseases and disorders in recent years. But also on the people themselves, it’s whether must make use of these treatment methods at all. Mark Wilde

Free Online Learn Autogenic Training –

Complete free Internet basic course autogenic training autogenic training was developed by the neurologist Schultz. The procedure is today widely used standard method one in both the clinical and preventative context. Kenneth Yarrow wanted to know more. The effectiveness has been proven in a wide range of physical and mental disorders especially in anxiety, tension-type headache, migraine, sleep disorders, essential hypertension, chronic skin conditions, asthma and functional abnormalities in the stomach-intestinal area. AUTOGENIC TRAINING has no adverse side effects, in contrast to most drugs. Can be used almost anywhere the AUTOGENIC TRAINING, because it required no tools. The AUTOGENIC TRAINING consists of exercises called six different parts – -.

These exercises build on each other. Various physiological processes are addressed with internally spoken practice formulas. These reflect the physical processes of the relaxation response, the we with a relaxation techniques trigger, reflected. And each part exercise then each refers to. Autogenous training, a deep state of relaxation is achieved with inner speaking practice formulas. The lower grades of the AUTOGENIC TRAINING includes 6 part exercises: gravity exercise heat practice breathing exercise heart exercise solar plexus exercise forehead exercise in the online course autogenic training all 6 exercises of part of to be performed. The participant will receive extensive information on the autogenic training in General and the respective part of exercises in particular.

The online course can save you a course on-site. You can start immediately, and timed to make the training as it individually to suit.

Diamonddental Clinic

Bad breath is one of the taboo-topics No. 1 (PA) bad breath is one of the taboo-topics No. 1. While quite a few under bad smelling breath gases suffer. Wrong, the cause is suspected rashly in the gastro-intestinal tract.

Rather, tooth and gum disease, poorly fitting dentures, leaking fillings and coverings on the root of the tongue are responsible for the evils which the diamond-dental clinic in Budapest now thoroughly moves with a new, coordinated Behandungsprogramm to tackle in 9 out of 10 cases. Thus a smile again as refreshing smells, how it looks. Budapest. A life artist starts the day by kissing something beautiful. This wisdom out of his mouth came the Italian actor and heartthrob Marcello Mastroianni. More than this refreshing quip unlikely; Bad breath certainly does not. Then the annoying would have probably severe hardships. The unpleasant vapours from the mouth are but rightly feared than brute ungulate, which since the beginning of the Humanity already so some interpersonal relationship bud in the germ might have stifled.

Suffocation meets s by the way, pretty much. Since halitosis, as the bad breath in the jargon is called, becomes noticeable by brooding foul-smelling fumes from the mouth. Unfortunately only the environment. Itself, however, this fact is bound rarely those affected on your unsuspecting nose, and therefore, they are usually the last ones who realize the reason that they can suddenly no longer smell their fellow human beings. Or want to. The reason is that the man quickly accustomed to the own body odour, explained Dr. Udo Reimann. The experienced dentist and head of the diamond dental clinic based in Budapest, Hungary, engaged for a long time tackling this extremely disreputable taboo issue. To bring the own breath freshness to check as it were its own naesig, holds experienced physician recommendations such as, in the hollow of the hand little.

Aging Process

The young songwriter – enable your internal fountain and turn your biological clock back the aging process is very individual and depends on many factors: the way of life, nutrition, the environment and many other factors affect our aging. At each cell division, these factors change the genetic material of the cell: the new cell is changed so more or less depending on the strength of influence. Accordingly, also the new cell is aging. Aging is generally visible is during normal cell division the genetic material only slightly changed, so that the cell by cell division to cell division is something only gradually ageing. In the course of time but these aging accumulate: the aging process is perceptible and visible. The body is aging: the skin becomes first wrinkles, hair is grey or even thin and even our internal organs age slowly and show us their weaknesses. If you have read about Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Positive influences young keep the factors affecting the aging process, but not all negative.

There are of course also very positive influences: A balanced diet with all important nutrients and vital substances, adequate exercise and an overall harmonious way of life the aging process even much brake. Who protects his body from the negative influences such as stress, radiation and pathogens and also healthy eats and recovered always enough of the usual stress of everyday life, which has the best cards to stay young in old age, fit and vital. A comprehensive anti-aging program with new methods, numerous tips and aussegewohnlichen recipes in their new guide, which Vanessa Halen?YOUNG makers before. The young songwriter – enable your internal fountain and turn your biological clock back the new Chief Advisor of BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN 978-3-8391-8644-2 100 pages-12,90 euros free eBooks, free excerpts and learn more