Technology Parameters

Many researchers have attempted to establish relationship between the main technological parameters determining the phase composition of tumors of gas silicate blocks, and frost. These parameters have a bearing on the form of binder, the mixture composition, mode autoclaving. In all experiments, at the same phase composition of the tumor in specimens fixed effect on the frost-aerated form of binder. Reduced frost are building blocks for based on lime, increase the share of cement increases the frost resistance of porous concrete. One of the main factors that contributes to the stability of aerated with alternate freezing and thawing, consider options porosity structure.

Cell to influence the frost resistance can be divided into three categories: reserve (200 m); hazardous (200 to 0, 1 micron) safe (less than 0, 1 micron). Established that if the ratio of pores with a diameter greater than 200 m to the volume of cells with diameters ranging from 200 to 0.1 microns will be more than 0.09, the wall unit will have adequate frost resistance. In practice, this ratio for the aerated concrete is much higher. Although this is not a prerequisite for judging the absolute magnitude frost gas silicate, but clearly demonstrates their advantages in resistance to freezing compared to traditional materials. Changes in specific volume of dangerous then when you add in the silicate cellular concrete additives Portland is one of the main reasons for the positive effect on frost resistance of porous concrete products.

For example, adding a wall blocks a density of 500-600 kg/m3 of portland cement in an amount 20-25% of the total dry matter is cut in half the amount of hazardous cell diameter of 0,1-0,2 mm. In this case, frost gas silicate significantly increased to 25 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. Analyzing foregoing, we conclude that in comparison with traditional building materials has increased frost aerated, and high levels of frost resistance of aerated concrete is provided at least advantaged in terms of frost phase of aerated tumors. With decreasing moisture content of gas silicate blocks frost resistance increases significantly. For example, at 8% moisture by weight only at 20 percent of samples showing signs of strain appears to 1200 cycles of thawing and freezing. As a result, surveys of buildings with a normal temperature and humidity conditions, even when operating them in for 35-40 years, within the walls of which were used in the construction of gas silicate blocks, not found a single flaw, which would have been a consequence of the influence of alternate thawing and freezing.

Green roofs – not a new phenomenon. They were the standard design in many countries for hundreds if not thousands of years, mainly thanks to the excellent insulating qualities of topsoil and turf. In the cold climate of Iceland and the Scandinavian sod roofs helped to retain heat in their homes, while in tropical countries, such such as Tanzania or keep cool. Up until the mid xx century, green roofs were considered as local construction practices. However, in the 1960's concerns about the deteriorating environmental conditions, as well as the rapid decline in the area of gardening in the large cities have revived interest in green roofs, especially in Northern Europe. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ohio Senator offers on the topic.. In the past 15 years has held a number of technical studies that examined protivokornevye components, membranes, drainage systems, light fertile layers, as well as the survival rate of plants. Proved that the correct design and install green roofs can replace or compensate for that a green environment at ground level, which is deprived of a large city as a result of urbanization. The use of green roofs give the city and other benefits – environmental, social, economic and aesthetic: * lowering the temperature of urban neighborhoods (decrease the effect of "urban heat island") * improve urban air quality (reduction smog reduction of carbon dioxide and dust) * expand the habitat of small animals, in particular local species of insects and birds; * reducing peak and total volume of storm water runoff due to the ability of green roofs to retain and maintain storm water * improving the quality of storm water; * reducing energy consumption of a building as in the cold and in summer, * increase productivity through opportunity during a break to rest on an island wildlife * improving the aesthetic appeal due to the built environment * improvement in sound insulation (soil, plants, and a closed air space serve as an excellent sound isolation).