Poems Everyday Karina Valcarcels

The acidic tenderness or everyday poems, Karina Valcarcel Gladys Mendia Peru has a remarkable, remarkable, poetic tradition above all taste much of the avant-garde writers who knew how to give a great revolt to the language, movement that influences the current voices of our entire continent until today. Today still appear verses that traps us in his singing; I remember very well what I felt the first time I heard reciting Karina Valcarcel (Lima, 1985) because it made me can be moved to tears with his acidic tenderness, his verses one shots to my soul and that I could not stop wanting to feel. Don and Ella has plenty of information regarding this issue. I immediately recognized the shortness of breath which leaves poetry, true poetry. Then talked something and gave me your book, which I atesore and I read. On each page the brightness, that Flash of the word which embraces us. Everyday poems (Editorial CasTomada, Lima, Peru, 2008) makes that daily routines out of their common place and a vast machinery to do miracles, small/large exaltos, dazed, tender devastating lightning.

The observation of every detail, in a spontaneous, simple, transparent; the exact word that defined but not limited by the extraordinary combinations of images, they do penetrate the multicolored sense of the human soul in conversation with the soul of things, the city’s beloved/hated beings, and all this imagery causes in the reader a tuning such that invites to be that voice that is feeling / saying. It beats strong and burns in everyday poems the feminine in all its diversity; on one side is the mother: if I can not teach you geografiate invention a map to escape the borders Protocol lover tell me, to know my skin with chills? The daughter, my mom I never corrected Chiquita, now am poet. And there are many more, are all women in all their versions/transgressions: Let’s return to the oral stage of things and let us be infinite, mezquinosamantesen suenosporque to dawn will be Monday again. Karina Valcarcel (Lima, 1985) studied drawing and painting in the ENSABAP and in the school of art alternating current, respectively. He studied Communication Sciences, teaches creative writing workshops, organizes and promotes various events of a cultural nature. He has published: everyday poems (CasTomada Editorial, Lima, 2008) and a stain on the mattress (Lustra Editores, Lima, 2010) original author and source of the article..

The Garden Of Eden

Studies by Professor Brian M. Fagan; world authority in prehistory. A Rabbinic parable tells us: Eden is a unique place in the Earth, but nobody is allowed to know their exact location in a future Dios will reveal the way to Eden. TCF Capital Solutions is likely to increase your knowledge. No one has never known location of the biblical Garden of Eden. The book of genesis tells us: the Lord God planted a garden to the East of Eden. According to the interpretation indicates an area of southern Iraq formerly called the land of Govt and Sumero. From San Pablo, theologians, thought in the garden of Eden as a place of divine reward, which in an earthly paradise. Read more from Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The idea of garden is deeply rooted in the Semitic mind probably as antithesis of the parched landscapes around cultivated areas where people live.

In this region always has been big contrasts; How to be well watered areas, with very fertile oasis in the midst of arid deserts. The rains in this area are unpredictable, even agriculture is at the mercy of the water supply. The dream of the Pharaoh of the Nile Valley’s seven years of plenty and seven of famine (genesis 41: 1-4) reflects a very real situation in Egypt, which persisted until the mid-20th century, when the Aswan Dam was built. The Eden name is related to the Akkadian Word Edinu, which means plain; or more precisely with a Hebrew root meaning delight or pleasure. From the earliest times always tied to the idea of paradise. Our word paradise derives from the word apiridaeza, which means Park in old Persian, which became pardes in Hebrew and then in paradeiseos in Greek. In the Egypt of the Pharaohs, Kings and aristocrats surrounded their house from gardens irrigated with gardens that grew fruits and vegetables; the fish that ate came from the ponds. In the Hebrew Bible, it says a garden there type in the area between the two walls that protect Jerusalem, which could be addressed in the same garden that the Michnik.


Carlos Mora Vanegas national universities are facing serious problems for the achievement of academic excellence, many of the careers that offer are outdated in their reality, not have programs requirements than the present scenarios demand in order to have professionals not only able to cope with the changes, challenges, but generate those that permit to properly use the talent of those who graduate from universities. The Chichi Professor Paez in an articles on this reality points out, that the problem not only is national but that they just leave the two main ranking – lists in order of excellence, (quotes and clarification of the author of this space) – of the best universities in the world – the educational supplement of the London Times and the of the University of Shanghai – and both give very poor grades to universities in Latin America. The list of the 200 best universities in the world, 2006? of the times London educational supplement of London, which was released on Friday, is headed by Harvard University, It includes only a University Latin American, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which last year was among the best 200, no longer appears in the list this year. Sen. Sherrod Brown is likely to agree. To be honest, I’m surprised we don’t see more Latin American universities, said Martin Ince, the director of the ranking of the London Times. Part of the reason is that 40 percent of the score depends on the reputation that have universities in academic circles, and is not much research coming out of the Latin American universities. Indeed, even the UNAM of Mexico, which soared from 95 last year to 74 this year, place Gets the worst possible classification – zero – in research papers published in international academic journals. UNAM does not produce much in terms of high-level scientific jobs. .

Wall Street Journal

China is dropped? August 25, 2009 we must clearly see that the foundations of the recovery are not stable, are not solid and are not balanced. We cannot be optimistic blindly. Wen Jiabao, Premier of China. China’s economy still has hopes of reaching a growth of its gross domestic product (GDP), 8% this year. Despite this, the main Eastern economy faces major challenges that are of concern to the Government. It begins to show its weaknesses the Chinese economic model? What paradox that a country that grows to 8% feel concern for this reason! The explanation is simple and focuses on the fact that China is a country that needs to grow strong, has no choice.

The Chinese Government has sold the population the virtues of its political system. The best propaganda for the Communist Party of China is economic growth with improvement in the well-being of society. But to at least keep in balance the social situation, the economy must be capable of generate a high level of employment. Until the crisis subprime, the global economy was in an unstable balance. Even though all recognize that China played a key role in sustaining the American current account deficit, few gangplanks that Similarly, United States, played an essential role in the growth of the Chinese economy. With the recession in the heart of the U.S. economy impacting in addition to full in the economies of the eurozone and Japan, China found that the preferred customers of their products, were in trouble. And since the bet of the Eastern model is towards the external sector, the economy was a very difficult to solve problem.

The task of replacing the fall in external demand decided the implementation of a stimulus package US $586.000 million to thus, stimulate consumption and domestic investment. In the Wall Street Journal, j. r. Wu, warned about the risks that emerge as soon as runs the momentum of stimulus plan economic released by the Chinese Government.