Everything starts in the birth. However the world if becomes an interminable phase of a game that the result is always the same the death of the player. But only of those players who do not obtain to express its opinions the life is a game all good that nobody obtains to win more the least if it detaches in ranking of better of the game. Click here contributes greatly to this topic. But soon they want to abandon the game, therefore q has something comes consuming on the inside wanting to only leave that you do not abandon its game therefore you you want to be optimum of the game. In this the best players finish surviving, only surviving, but what we look for in the life is amusing in them, but when we amuse in them? When we leave of had the following Alive phrase does not survive, does not try to live pra to impress the people only to you yourselves makes what it desires to make without thinking about the consequences or the future, therefore the day is only as well as the life. . Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs is likely to agree.
Brazilian Industrialization
The socialism in turn saw the movement of fight of the classroom as the engine of history establishing the Brazilian socialist party (PSB) in the year of 1902 with the marxist program. In formation of the laboring classroom two structural factors can be considered: economic and the ethnic composition, the economic factors are on Brazilian Industrialization .a accumulation of capital proceeding from the coffee and foreign immigration forming the hand? of workmanship that came to work in the cafeicultura, the ethnic composition weighed due the great plurality of existing etnias in pas.o Rio De Janeiro was a Portuguese city, So Paulo if its main predominant element formed as the Italian being. The diversity took the importation of ideologies, the cultural differences was great existed the ethnic rivalries, but the classroom supplanted the etnia due the classroom conscience that if it formed. The working-class movement started in century XIX, and had ascension between 1905 -1908, when the first wave of strikes happened, mainly in So Paulo they.em 1906 was carried through the first Laboring congress that decided to create the Brazilian Laboring confederation position defended for the anarco-syndicalist (they believed to be the union the natural organization of the masses), that it prevailed on the position of the socialist one that they wanted to establish a political party. People such as Amazon would likely agree. The working-class movement in the old republic between 1909-1912 was of depressions lived mainly for the oscillations of the economy, between 1912-1917 was a period of great strikes mainly of 1917 in So Paulo. In Rio De Janeiro in 1917 the FORJ (Laboring Federacy of Rio De Janeiro) was pledged in the campaign against the life high prices and from February of 1917 the numbers of assemblies for a joint of a great syndical organization had grown. In 1918 the UGT was created (National Union of the Workers) that substitua the FORJ, that was closed for the policy. .
Economy Politics
The econmica life is complex. In each day operations of production exist, circulation, exchange and distribution of goods and services involving different agents, motivated for complementary interests. With effect, the economy breathes and functions as an alive organism, where the forces of the market impose the regulation mechanisms. These are determined by the system effective politician. In a economy of centered planning the State monopolizes the control of the economic sectors, to the step that in a Rule of law, the private property predominates and the State acts as regulating agent through laws that do not injure the economic agents. The economy involves operations of production, changes, regulation of prices, circulation of the currency and merchandises, rendering of services, exchanges with the exterior and exchanges in the national market. In this direction, terms of objecto of study, Economy Politics encloses three important domnios: i) Econmica analysis the econmica analysis has for objectivo to put in evidence the relations of cause and effect between the economic fenmenos.
Of fact econmica science observes the economic facts, makes research to find the causes of the manifestation of certain economic fenmenos. It presents the hypotheses and looks for to determine the measures to apply to decide the economic problems, considering half shares that they aim at to decide the economic problems in the space and time. Thus being it helps the managers to find the ways and shares adjusted for a rational management it productive system creating an income-producing and balanced economic circuit in strict observance of the Law. II) Econmica doctrine the Economy Politics is placed in the domain of a normative doctrine. It conceives the man as a world of necessities. In the judgment of the society, this science looks for to study the necessities and the half ones for its satisfaction. Thus being, Economy Politics makes ethical reflection, makes value judgments to aclarar and to guide the econmicas choices and decisions.