New training series Concepte muhl mediated legal background knowledge on May 6, 2011 starts in Fribourg is the first of three compact seminars of the new training series “Compact law”. In a total of 34 seminar units is the subject of “The basics of contract law and enforcement” in the Center. The central aspects of labour law are illuminated in a further seminar sequence from June 10, 2011. The new education “Quite compact” Concepte Muhl aims to executives and employees of law departments in corporations, insurance companies and banks. But paralegal or self-employed persons are constantly challenged through legal issues are addressed. Experienced teachers, lawyers and communications trainer expertise with give in the new training series legal topics. In addition, the participants learn selected communication and behavioral strategies, self-conscious to even difficult or unpleasant situations in the legal context, constructive and to cope successfully. Through interactive learning and direct dialogue, the learning outcomes anchor permanently.
A particular strength of the new offering is its high practical relevance. Individual questions of the participants are determined through needs analysis in advance. These are then answered by the teachers, as far as possible during the event. “But our seminar sequences can never replace a thorough legal advice”, emphasizes Roswitha Muhl, Managing Director of Concepte Muhl in March. All seminar sequences take place education centre Freiburg on Friday afternoon or Saturday in the Caritas.
Detailed information about all scheduled seminar sequences, the relevant teaching hours, and content, as well as the possibility to register can be found on the website at. Concepte Muhl is the region as a consultancy in close contact with the people and companies. Companies that promote their employees and executives and continually review their processes and adapt, are also in the long run successful, so the experience of Roswitha Muhl. To help in particular medium-sized companies, Concepte Muhl as well as process consulting and staff development offers also the development and implementation of various educational services. For example, Concepte Muhl educates “Certified legal specialist hosts” since 2004 with great success, with the participation of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Freiburg.