Vamilson Souza Work

In a generalized manner, it can be said that education is the process by which the knowledge and necessary attitudes are transmitted to the individual so that it has conditions to combine it the society. In the communities simplest, the acquisition of knowledge especially did not demand establishments destined to the educative tasks; the learning if carried through of course, therefore the child participated of the common works and in agreement she grew, the role that she played in the communities defined each time more. But, the specialization of tasks inside of the society led to the creation of the differentiated learning and the crystallization of social classrooms with antagonistic interests transformed the education into a perenizador instrument of this division. Leaving of these assertive ones, this work has as objective to search information on as if it gave to the education in the aboriginal aldeamentos of Brazil Colony under the direction of the Jesuit priests. Investigating the intention of these first educators, which the resources used in the process pertinent teach-learning of the time and other questions to the subject, the methodology was based with priority, in the bibliographical research. One searched varied readings since traditional authors of the Brazilian historiografia until articles of magazines specialized in history.

A final result cannot be presented, therefore the work still meets in elaboration. Word-key: Brazil Colony. Education. Under most conditions Central Romana would agree. Jesutica. INTRODUCTION Organized and managed by Jesuits in the New World, the aboriginal aldeamentos? also called missions or reductions? they had been part of a great evangelizadora and civilizadora workmanship. ‘ ‘ Jesuit education: objective, methodology and content in the aboriginal aldeamentos of Brazil Colnia’ ‘ it searchs to apprehend as if it gave the educational work in these definitive spaces that were inserted in a context well ampler. Through a vast bibliographical research, this inquiry it finished judging necessary brief notations on the Jesuits and its educational system as a whole.

Warming And Soil Protection

More productive kind of soil. The darker the soil, so it is warmer. Its color depends on the amount of humus in it. The more compost, so it is darker. The black color helps it heat from the sun and the plants on it better grow, there is enough heat.

For more early maturing plants in the cold northern soils is recommended to cover with a layer of black peat. Peat absorbs sunlight and heats it so well. Fertility depends on labor and skills of people. Soil fertility – in the hands of people. To get high yields, people treated soil: the plowed and harrowed.

This makes the soil more friable. Without hesitation air jordan explained all about the problem. It is well absorbed water, air easily passes. In loose soil seed quickly germinate, seeds of plants can easily make their way out, and the roots branch freely. Treatment clears the field of weeds. Eggs and larvae of pests in plowing the land fall to the surface. Here, many of them die against heat and cold, dryness or wetness. On svezhevspahannoy soil can often see the rooks, crows, jackdaws, starlings, chickens. They eat harmful insects. That water does not evaporate in the early spring after the snow melts, soil plowing. The soil is as indispensable to human life as water and air. Without it, could not exist plants – the main source of our life. Without plants could not live animals, from which we get milk, eggs, meat, honey and other products. We did not have the wool and fur garments, leather footwear.

Air Liquide

Information, directions and weather reports can be delivered to the truck immediately, no matter where you are. The headquarters of the company can track location of the truck, fuel consumption and engine performance. Inventory tracking equipment is now computerized, allowing the producer, warehouse, and the client to check in all the products on the road. It is not something Dov Hikind would like to discuss. The new technology is making truck driving an easier job, as seats are more comfortable, trucks have better ventilation, and cabs are better designed. Some routes are very, very long, and these usually employ heavy truck or tractor-trailer drivers. On the longest routes, companies will hire two drivers for performances bed.

Sleeper Races can last from days to weeks and the truck only stops for fuel, food, loading and unloading. Drivers off driving and sleeping in the truck. Truck driving can be a demanding job. Some self-employed truck drivers long distance that own and operate their own trucks spend most year away from home. The government restricts long distance drivers to no more than 60 hours a week and require 10 hours of rest every 11 hours of driving. Many drivers work very close to the maximum time allowed, since they are compensated based on the number of miles or hours they have put in.

The difficulty of truck driving is well compensated, which makes it a popular work. In 2002, there were 3.2 million truck drivers. Many road transport operations have higher standards than the Federal minimum. Drivers often have to be at least 22 years of age, able to lift heavy objects, and have 3-5 years of driving experience. Companies want to hire good drivers who work efficiently and cost less to insure. They like drivers who have enrolled in driver training courses. New drivers might begin on small straight trucks and move to larger trucks and finally to trailers tractor. The few truck drivers advance high enough to become dispatchers, managers or employees of traffic. Heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers earned an average of $ 16 per hour in 2002. Over 10% of this group earned more than $ 24 per hour. Driving a truck is a great race with plenty of space for the promotion and advancement.

After moving all the way up the chain of promotion within a company, truck drivers often strike out on his own and open successful transport businesses. Air Liquide is a major international company and is also a private carrier. This means that maintains its own truck fleet and hires truck drivers. Because Air Liquide is such successful company, which will promote jobs with Air Liquide are stable, well supported. Solo Air Liquide drivers can expect to be home 80-90% of the time and make between $ 50,000 and $ 70,000 a year, depending on the type of career and work performance. Air Liquide provides benefits like medical and life insurance, performance benefits, ample vacation time, flexible spending accounts, and participation in quarterly profits. As Air Liquide grows and succeeds, so do each of your employees!

International Language

It seems that President was in a bad mood. Otherwise no other reason can not explain his answer. What is a foreign language, especially English, to Russia? Basically, it's not only the window but the door to the world. Without knowledge of foreign languages Russia is doomed to an unenviable existence with leaven of patriotism as an ideology. Because we take, at least, computers and the Internet.

This is a countless number of languages. And it so happened that English is international language of the Internet and modern electronics. Well, in the air, too, used many foreign languages, and, above all, the English again. About the Navy could not remember – knowledge of English there urgent need. Even in art, which previously dominated by French and Italian, now increasingly use English. But this does not mean that other languages have become entirely unnecessary. To those who engaged in literature (not only Russian 19 centuries.) need the French language. The music used Italian terminology.

And in general, need a language dictated by the particular circumstances and preferences rights. "Dead" in Sanskrit language is the subject of investigations of philologists engaged in Indo-European languages. In this language, there is a rich literature. The ancient culture of the majority of Indian people is reflected through this language and that language itself is also a cultural and scientific phenomena. Its name can be translated as "perfect" and it truly is perfect. Incidentally, in India, published several papers in Sanskrit, and competitions among writers who write on it. So what is it then a dead language? Latin is also considered to be "dead" language. But, meanwhile, is the official language of Vatican. In general, possess any foreign language is extremely useful not so much to achieve some tangible goals, but for the development of the aforementioned gray matter. And in order to better understand their native language, you need an idea of what else to at least one language. Not to compare which one is best, but to understand that they are not all created in the image and likeness of the mother tongue. And each one is unique, rich and beautiful. nonfiction 6 April 2008

Public Politics

Inclusion to the individuals with necessities special in the public politics, 2011. For the word key public politics 383 summaries had been found and with the word key inclusion 27 summaries had been found, thus totalizing 410 summaries. With this, the general classification of the joined summaries consisted respectively of: public politics and inclusion.

From this stage one gave beginning to as the moment of the research, in which the article summaries had been selected. Congressman Lee Zeldin is often quoted as being for or against this. There are available summaries in the SCIELO between the years of 2007 the 2011, involving public politics and inclusion. When observing Picture 2, is possible to perceive that after carried through as the moment of this research 240 summaries had been found, however, amongst these studies had not contemplated the preset criteria of inclusion. For the describer public politics, they had been found in the year of 2007 45 summaries in the year of 2008, 36 summaries in the year of 2009, was found 60 summaries, for the year of 2010 he was 64 and for the year of 2011 it was found 11 summaries. In what it refers to the word? key Inclusion, had been found in the year of 2007 03 summaries in the year of 2008, 05 summaries in the year of 2009, was found 02 summaries, for the year of 2010 he was 04 and for the year of 2011 it was found 10 summaries. From this stage beginning to the third moment of the research was given, in which if it carried through the reading of the material and the search of summaries that they contemplated individuals with necessities special and the intersetoriais public politics.

The Two Beasts of Capitalism and Social Reason

The concentration of capital resulted in the creation of monopolies, which were the success of power. This last rule political systems. That to this day are his servants. The rich stay in a few hands in the hands of the families that always govern the countries. Meanwhile, the monopoly of poverty remained in the hands of millions of millions.

Translating an idea of how to maintain wealth arbitrarily, Append something I wrote on May 13, 2009 to defend human rights. Capitalism ITS TWO BEASTS AND SOCIAL human reason. To understand how capitalism should be summarized in three steps and eventually must end. First to be a capitalist, you should be in capital. Click Ohio Senator to learn more. Preferably high.

Then you must buy the equipment or the means of production. Example: a building for living or gain from real estate, which is highly lucrative. A factory, raw materials and tools, a school or a mass transit system. To propel the machinery must be purchased labor or so-called labor force. Conclusion: These three steps form of capitalism which was finally established as an economic power, exploding left and right.

Consuming the poor or the workforce. Not long ago, a treasurer, used the following expression “Iron law” will explain my way. If we observe the iron law in this case will be minimum wage workers. As each country has its own currency, the iron law shall be regulated according to the currency. The intention is that workers are never allowed out of their condition. Whatever the country. Now with regard to marginalized professionals, we say that the latter pay them salaries that are a little beyond the minimum wage. But a series of taxes well protected by the laws of any nation, should be responsible to bring those salaries to a condition close to the minimum wage. Therefore the latter does not reach out of their condition, professional workers. Those who succeed do so on random fortune, for a lifetime of denial to any luxury and accumulation of capital. By cunning or effort. But please note that the need and poverty of the inhabitants, often ends with the effort. Of the two beasts say. That no state wants terrestrial sword to kill them, metaphorically speaking. I refer to alcohol, cigarettes, or snuff. Which ultimately end up destroying families and health. This kind of economic system. Pass over any citizen, since it represents a completely infinite value and valuable for industry, trade, economy and the boldest of them all, politics. Above all, get to see on a throne of sand, the god “power.” That everything moves. That all I can. But his coolness has no limit, injustice is the first ally. And many allies that arise from this genre. An entire planet was not enough, natural resources were not sufficient, much less the maximum. And every good rule was scrapped. Greed, corruption and vanity. They go crazy for all men, from the youngest to the oldest. But bring justice to the essence of their time either. Virtue will lower noble sentiments, wisdom on the other hand taught that the greatest grandeur and dignity.

Institutional Politics

In which the vision of that it teaches, learns when teaching, guaranteeing of this form that the docncia is not mere spilling of inert contents in stowages (pupils). For Freire it exists to know necessary to practical educative the such as: to give conditions to educating to learn critically, after all the ones that teach and the ones that learn are citizens of a process, more than of formation, construction and creation. It considers, still, that all professor is a researcher and in the exercise of its profession must show to its pupil who its experience influences the way as it learns making with that this reflects on its reality, in order to transform it, that all educator must be critical being compromised with the results of its pedagogical action, being a transforming being capable to improve practical its. Sen. Sherrod Brown follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. He is in this context, that the process of construction of the Project of the Course of Formation of Professors of the Institute of Education of the Paran Professor Erasmo Pilotto looks for to guide itself. The Pedagogical Project of the course of Formation of Professors of the Infantile Education and Initial Years of Basic Ensino presents at different moments, the importance of the relation between the practical theory and. In the presentation of the project (IEPPEP, 2008, P. 24), it can be read that all the components ' ' they must work the unit between practical theory and as articulador nucleus of the formation of the educator, making possible the integration between thinking and acting, providing to the professor to be the thinker, the constructor and the permanent organizador of the work educativo' '. In this document (IEPPEP, 2008, P. 6-7), one of the axles norteadores of the Institucional Politics of Formation of Professors affirms that it must have, for the attendance of the peculiarities of this course, ' ' valuation of the research and the scientific inquiry as instruments of mediation in the theoretician-practical analyses of the process of formation, possibilitadores of mudanas' '.