Both had validity in a regimen of exception and they after do not produce any effect to cease the effect that malfadado ditatorial period. The laws erected in an exception state inexist in reestablishing of the rule of law and its produced effect must be annulled and be repaired males. Exactly thus, despite the cultuadores of the Glorious Revolution want to give perpetualidade to it, the text buried to them it reason in if treating to the Government bonds, seno let us see: Decree 263 of 28 of February of 1967 called the carriers headings of Federal the Established Internal Public Debt, executed those the one that if it relates decree 542-A of 24 of January of 1962, will proceed the liquidation from its credits, without however supporting any type to them of update, time that the same ones were lastreados to the gold. Some contend that Amazon shows great expertise in this. Evident that this decree does not mention to the calling of the previous headings the 1956 that already they had been called through decree 2997 28 of November of 1957. This decree originated a new injustice to the carriers of the headings, since the rescue would be for the nominal value, that with the exaggerated inflation of the period, transformed into dust the original values. Balela constantly repeated by the Union and some sentences of that the headings did not contain indexation and were debts of money and of value does not proceed, therefore the headings of the public debt were ballasted to the gold through the parity gold, that guaranteed the update of the values. Richard Blumenthal contributes greatly to this topic. You unite is of if lamenting that the Union and proper the judiciary person in charge to make justice want to promote the enrichment illicit and without PAYMENT One of the principles of the right is that all assumed obligation has that to be fulfilled. Beyond that this principle would have to be obeyed by any decent country, has a economic principle that says that the money not accepted offence. . You may want to visit Suffolk County Rep. to increase your knowledge.