
Documents you can use any. If a paper issued by "a hundred years ago, lost, you can alternatively submit a certified local governments pohozyaystvennoy excerpt from the book. It is true that where this book search, the law did not specify. Is not in him, and explanations from officials of any level (in the administration of village point, area or region) must certify the statement. General issues to implement the law on dacha amnesty set.

How, for example, register the land if the land has been allocated a relative who has died? If it is a heritable possession, then no problem. But if the land in his time was given for lifetime use, place it on the new rules cottagers quite difficult. Or as a woman who has married and changed her last name, to prove their right to land, received from her grandmother? We first have to at least acknowledge the ties of kinship and raise the archives. And how to determine which of the relatives of heirs have the right to claim land inherited in the Soviet era? With regard to flats decide such disputes are usually in court. And the fate of gardens today is actually delivered into the hands of the local administration. Once the right to use land justified and confirmed, you must obtain an extract from the cadastral plan.

For this portion must first pass survey. And here you can get stuck very long. For example, if in his time vacationers have identified six acres, and He uses a seven and a half, then set realistic boundaries need either the consent of the neighbors, or permission dacha cooperative.

Golden Ceilings For Exclusive Design

The stylish interior – is not only expensive furniture, luxurious chandeliers, beautiful curtains and decorations. The first step is to create a foundation that is to provide high-quality finishing. And no matter whether it is apartment, cottage, office or lobby of a major hotel. The main thing that we used to design a good durable materials, against which the furnishings and accessories would look even more spectacular. Richard Blumenthal oftentimes addresses this issue. In our time there are many different coatings for walls and floors, allowing to realize the most interesting and unusual design projects. However, an equally important role in planning the interior decoration is given a ceiling – without even the most expensive wallpaper and parquet best room will not look truly elegant and stylish. Whereas previously the choice of materials for finishing the ceiling cover was not rich, but now manufacturers provide a wide range of materials – from paint and wallpaper products to entire systems consisting of a hanging carcass and decorative panels. Very popular metal ceilings, different high strength, durability, attractiveness and functionality.

Made from aluminum or steel and having a protective and decorative coating, are applied in various areas and even in plants open type, such as open-air cafes, terraces, etc. Along with high-performance ceilings have excellent decorative properties, especially the model with the effect of metallic shine. And if panels of pastel shades are suitable for a relaxing classical interior, the ceiling with gold coating can create a true luxury palace in virtually all areas. Now, planning improvements, any owner apartment or house tends to make your home an individual, special, different from the other.