State Government

To see what invents more to him the rooster PRD member Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo already it began to make noise political in Nayarit. Their aspirations that concentrate in the candidacy from the PRD the Government of the State have begun to give of what speaking. In the circles PRD members already it is mentioned that the candidate will be he and nothing else; nevertheless, others think that the Senator Francisco Javier Castelln Fonseca has more right than Acosta Naranjo to try the longed for postulation. Despite a that has the times not been arrived, in some municipalities of the North zone of Nayarit already they are begun to see horse armor guinea fowl in which the rooster is mentioned to Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo like of the farmers of the coastal municipalities. First call, Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo starts and gains, says to a legend in a horse armor guinea fowl. To broaden your perception, visit Ohio Senator. Guadalupe, the coast is with you, says another phrase.

Like the leader who is, to Rodrigo Gonzlez Districts it will not have left more of another one than to pronounce itself in favor of Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, Francisco Javier Castelln Fonseca and Martha Elena Garci’a. Badly one would see if from now on it only jeopardizes his support to one of these three possible aspirings to the gubernatura of Nayarit. It does well in keeping for himself his electoral preferences. The certain thing is that the past weekend in a particular address of Tepic was developed an act in which personages PRI members, panistas and PRD members pronounced in favor of Acosta Naranjo like their favorite to be the candidate of the party of the Aztec sun the Government of Nayarit. This meeting could be the one that triggers constants encounter to go materializing the naranjista political project. Desperate With evident preoccupation and grasping in its arms to its small daughter of hardly three months of age, Dew Ramirez Chestnut grove presided over a press conference in the lobby of the hotel Fray Junpero.