While it is often useful to study where and when we first created a belief, we must be careful. Our ego encourage us to shift the responsibility of the beliefs that protect us. One thing is to recognize that we believe it is worthy of love (for example), because our parents do not spend enough time with us. It's quite another to blame our parents for creating this belief and ruining our lives. Our parents did not create the belief, we've done. We interpret an experience, to create scenarios around the expectations of development and created the belief.
And until we accept this, we can not change that belief. Our ego may also interfere with the process of ownership that encourages us to identify with the belief of limitation. The ego can trick us to reinforce our negative beliefs, beliefs turning back on us. In essence, we say we are unworthy, because we have created a belief that we are unworthy. We beat ourselves to beat ourselves. Without consciousness, the ego makes us come and go. If we realize that we have fallen into a trap of ego, we simply use our consciousness to escape trap. We just have to remember that all beliefs, no matter which limits, has served us well at a time.
Many beliefs were created to help us survive in difficult and painful past. But we're not in those situations. Circumstances have changed, and we have more experience and new skills that can serve us better.