Green roofs – not a new phenomenon. They were the standard design in many countries for hundreds if not thousands of years, mainly thanks to the excellent insulating qualities of topsoil and turf. In the cold climate of Iceland and the Scandinavian sod roofs helped to retain heat in their homes, while in tropical countries, such such as Tanzania or keep cool. Up until the mid xx century, green roofs were considered as local construction practices. However, in the 1960's concerns about the deteriorating environmental conditions, as well as the rapid decline in the area of gardening in the large cities have revived interest in green roofs, especially in Northern Europe. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ohio Senator offers on the topic.. In the past 15 years has held a number of technical studies that examined protivokornevye components, membranes, drainage systems, light fertile layers, as well as the survival rate of plants. Proved that the correct design and install green roofs can replace or compensate for that a green environment at ground level, which is deprived of a large city as a result of urbanization. The use of green roofs give the city and other benefits – environmental, social, economic and aesthetic: * lowering the temperature of urban neighborhoods (decrease the effect of "urban heat island") * improve urban air quality (reduction smog reduction of carbon dioxide and dust) * expand the habitat of small animals, in particular local species of insects and birds; * reducing peak and total volume of storm water runoff due to the ability of green roofs to retain and maintain storm water * improving the quality of storm water; * reducing energy consumption of a building as in the cold and in summer, * increase productivity through opportunity during a break to rest on an island wildlife * improving the aesthetic appeal due to the built environment * improvement in sound insulation (soil, plants, and a closed air space serve as an excellent sound isolation).
The Center
For example, Honey and Mumford four styles of basic learning based on Kolb learning cycle. You can evaluate your questionnaire of learning style (CEA), which explains, in his view, the why some people learn and others do not. This strategy helps to the cochee to understand their preferences with respect to their own style of learning, as well as its weaknesses. The four learning styles outlined above are the following: activist, reflective, theoretical and pragmatic. A leading source for info: Congressman Lee Zeldin. Are described below, along with the strategy of coaching aimed at pupils who get low scores in each of the four styles: learning styles and strategies of Coaching of Honey and Mumford style of learning APRENDEN best strategy of COACHING (for cochee that they obtain low score in style) activists: are individuals that like to get involved in situations of experimentationthem new opportunities, like they feel comfortable being the center of attraction and tend to have excellent professional profiles. -In the present. -When there is an element of risk.
-When they can argue and others injected them energy. The coach and the Ward could establish as objectives diverse activities in a given period. Reflective: They prefer to think things through, they like to listen to, observe and collect data before committing to a decision or conclusion, often show cautious and conservatives before a new knowledge or experience. -When have time to think about things thoroughly. -When are given access to all the available information to guide their decisions. -When not pressed them dates limits or hasty decision-making processes. The pupils are encouraged suggesting them to carry a learning journal and add various learning experiences each week, or one every day. Continues style of LEARNERS learn best strategy COACHING (for cochee that they obtain low score in style) theoretical: they are interested in themselves ideas, assimilate and synthesize new information, like and apply it to his theories and explanations of the workings of the world.
Historical Center
Questions demolition, clearing a forest area and reconstruction of houses – some of the most painful for the citizens. And this applies not only in Moscow, the famous widely discussed General Plan, and has become a byword forest. Residents near Moscow seen – in 2006, won first place in the 'most comfortable city in Russia, "among localities with populations of less than 100,000 people – are trying to defend the historic city center. Construction had started by the authorities not only constricts the townspeople, but also envisages cutting of orchards, famous town near Moscow. Living in the Leninsky district also fear the demolition of the historic center and eviction from their familiar places.
It is known that the historical center of Vidnoye created by employees of coke plant, established in 1960. 'From the outset, the authors of the draft would give the village a prominent features of the garden city, – the brochure on the 35 anniversary of the city. – Around each house set up home gardens with fruit trees, berry bushes and a small garden for each family erected a stone barn with a glacier and attic. These features of suburban development authors general project connected with the modern urban amenities – lights, water, gas, sewerage, heating, telephone and radio. " Apartments in Vidnoe purchased and Muscovites and residents of other regions, and the population is projected to double in the near future. The ground on which the garden is often seen – by far the 'hunk'. .
Central Election Commission
Coming elections, it should be clarified, according to the will of the President, to be held in May next year – to local authorities. Main of them are linked to competition for the post of mayor of Tbilisi. The opposition hopes to win this election and deprive Saakashvili major political and electoral foothold before the parliamentary and presidential elections. During the first round of talks presented by the ruling party was discussed, "United National Movement" set of proposals in which the authorities insist on a 30-percent electoral threshold for winning the future. It proposal did not pass because the opposition political movement "Alliance for Georgia", confident in the success of their candidate Alasania, required 50 percent threshold. The authorities, however, and this they have into account, there is no much hope for sympathy metropolitan voters that showed the presidential elections in January 2008. After refusing to accept the alliance Alasania version of "30 percent" of the vote, unfortunately for the parties took place, and Now the meeting will resume on Tuesday. In this case the ruling party walked out of negotiations the first to publicly express their discontent.
Such actions by government experts regard as a consequence undesirable for them to face the reality of the destination of the second round. "They are hysterically afraid of such a change, – said political scientist Joseph Tsiskarishvili. – 50 percent, they simply will not gain, but 30 percent – still all right. The rest can be adapted to this index. " By the way, are not without interest, and proposed methods of choosing the chairman of the authority of the Central Election Commission. The President represents the three Candidates for the post, for sure – "our people", opposition members of the commission. If no candidate receives a majority, then some of the candidates will adopt later in the session of parliament, where everything in the hands of the ruling party. This is called – "or vote, or elect themselves …" Along with that, now do not waste time the current mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava.
Sovereign officials fully take care of his success. In fact, the campaign has begun, and these efforts are manifested advance at least that the government is literally begging the population every vote. They are using specially hired people bypass the houses and apartments, residents questioned about their attitudes toward the results of the Tbilisi mayor's office probed public opinion, are asked to respond to the questions and the answers often write themselves, and this should serve to increase the chances of candidates of the current mayor, what is extremely interested Saakashvili and his friendly, but slightly confused team. Meanwhile, preparations for the elections will not remain without attention of the interested Washington and major European capitals, puzzled over the problem volatile South Caucasus country. That is what counts, not least the opposition "army" of politicians, finished in the first case, a prominent eye accuse the government of unfair methods of struggle, until usurpation of authority, and promptly report to the White House.
Governing Committee
The next EP 20 September will be a special meeting of members. Santiago Moncada has been appointed President of the SGAE. The Commission of inquiry will be directed by Ramon Lopez Vilas, Professor of Civil law and the Supreme Court escuchando. The Board of Directors of the society General de Autores y Editores (SGAE), gathered this Thursday, has unanimously approved all proposals adopted on 21 July by the Governing Committee of the management body, and has agreed to hold new elections next January 16, 2012. It has also decided to convene an extraordinary General meeting of partners on September 20, in which a Commission for revision of the electoral system, which will represent all the sensitivities of the collective authorial will be chosen.
Subsequently, on 25 November will undergo partners that amendment of the statutes of the society in a new extraordinary General Assembly. Finally, once approved this reform and expanded the democratic basis of participation, elections shall be convened at the The Board of Directors on January 16, 2012. Santiago Moncada (Madrid, 1928) playwright and screenwriter has been appointed President of the SGAE, in replacement of the filmmaker Jose Luis Borau, who has served for the past four years. Santiago Moncada will continue to be, at the same time, President of the Fundacion Autor. The Board of Directors endorsed, among other measures, leaving vacant the General direction of the company and the implementation of a Commission of inquiry headed by Ramon Lopez Vilas (A Coruna, 1940), Professor of Civil law, escuchando of Supreme Court and member of the Academy of legislation and jurisprudence, whose results will be transferred to all the partners and the national audience. In addition, the members of the current Board of Directors has been appointed Jose Maria Diez-Picazo (Madrid, 1959) as financial director of SGAE, whose first mission will be to re-examine all the procedures of budgetary control and launch a divestment plan in Artery. Members of the Board of directors who have flocked this afternoon to the headquarters of the entity have been, among others, Mikel Erentxun, Teo Cardalda, Inma Serrano, Caco Senante, Victor Manuel, Alberto Comesana and Jaume armholes.
Consider the typical behavior of a man who tries to save on agency services. For example, you filed a declaration of ‘Looking for a maid’ in the newspaper. The next day, your phone starts ringing different women and offer services to domestic workers. And not only themselves but also their friends, distant relatives from Kiev and their ilk. Each of these paints himself in paints, says that everything can and knows everything.
Every second of them is ready to enter the work ‘tomorrow’. This is wonderful. In this case, all of them in one voice assert that they have a vast experience and excellent recommendations. Suppose! And then you invite to your home one of them. Invite the one that most like a phone conversation. Comes to you a maid and you show her your apartment or house. First case: Housekeeper starts asking questions like: This is a sho? (Poking his finger in the steam generator) than pure glass ceramic plate? And why in the vacuum cleaner water? (Akvafiltr) Stop! That’s enough to understand that before you a man who has no experience in maid for hire.
At best, this woman was removed in its apartment, and wiped his plate car bleach. Well, since we have paid attention to it. No need to hire such a person, you have understood it themselves. Second case: You have shown housekeeper to clean the area and explained responsibilities. She proceeded to clean. And you, rejoicing, have decided for her to watch. Pay attention to how the maid is planning its work.
Short Term Challenges
There are challenges that can be addressed in the short term, however, changes should be made gradually to its full consolidation. The human resource is the most valuable asset any organization that counts, is therefore essential dignify and professionalize. 3) Conclusions and suggestions for immediate action career professional service is the instrument from which rises the quality of service delivery to citizens, for this reason, the challenges facing its implementation will always be minimal compared with the benefits that flow from it. The system of the professional career service, directly affects the dignity of public employees. The stability of employment as a result of performance assessment becomes a virtuous circle which not only guarantees the permanence officer forced him to continually review their competencies, quality standards, its treatment of the public, response times, and in short, their relationship with the citizen who provides a service . In turn, the customer perceives the value of their taxes and reassess the role of public employees, does not consider this a necessary evil or a nuisance to become providers of services, and social interaction that emerges from a service quality is a relationship based on dignity, respect and above all, satisfaction. No remedy the lack of professional service in the public administration of the State of Sonora, is to accept the lag as manifest destiny. Consequently, we must strive to build a new model of government based on the effective performance of its people, with accredited skills and professional career opportunities in public service regardless of the factors that affect every six years driving government.
Economy Politics
The econmica life is complex. In each day operations of production exist, circulation, exchange and distribution of goods and services involving different agents, motivated for complementary interests. With effect, the economy breathes and functions as an alive organism, where the forces of the market impose the regulation mechanisms. These are determined by the system effective politician. In a economy of centered planning the State monopolizes the control of the economic sectors, to the step that in a Rule of law, the private property predominates and the State acts as regulating agent through laws that do not injure the economic agents. The economy involves operations of production, changes, regulation of prices, circulation of the currency and merchandises, rendering of services, exchanges with the exterior and exchanges in the national market. In this direction, terms of objecto of study, Economy Politics encloses three important domnios: i) Econmica analysis the econmica analysis has for objectivo to put in evidence the relations of cause and effect between the economic fenmenos.
Of fact econmica science observes the economic facts, makes research to find the causes of the manifestation of certain economic fenmenos. It presents the hypotheses and looks for to determine the measures to apply to decide the economic problems, considering half shares that they aim at to decide the economic problems in the space and time. Thus being it helps the managers to find the ways and shares adjusted for a rational management it productive system creating an income-producing and balanced economic circuit in strict observance of the Law. II) Econmica doctrine the Economy Politics is placed in the domain of a normative doctrine. It conceives the man as a world of necessities. In the judgment of the society, this science looks for to study the necessities and the half ones for its satisfaction. Thus being, Economy Politics makes ethical reflection, makes value judgments to aclarar and to guide the econmicas choices and decisions.
Domains In The Russian Federation
The appearance of domains in the Russian Federation, is a very important moment in the Russian Internet, first it is the first domain in Cyrillic, and secondly to have a prestigious domain in the national language (in Russian). It is not known what future awaits the domains in zone of the Russian Federation, but judging by the number of domains that are already registered (currently over 700, 000), then I think it will not be a failure. Pros domain of RF on the face, it is possible to write the site address in Russian, it is easy to remember such a domain, a domain name can be very accurately to express themes of the site which will be understood by all, such a domain is very easy to dictate over the phone. Many domains are already using RF on their projects (sites), that's what I did not pass by and at one of its domains did the russian site. Richard Blumenthal is full of insight into the issues. At the moment, no problems have arisen, the site quietly added to all popular search engines, which in turn has indexed my site in this plan on sites with domains Cyrillic no way inferior to any domain in the Latin alphabet. The only problem at the moment can be mail for the domain name in Cyrillic, but it is a matter of time, which will soon be resolved. Since domains rf only appeared that many have all sorts of questions associated with them have already appeared on this forum dedicated to domains in the zone of the Russian Federation, where you can find answers or just to discuss and express their opinions or share experiences the blast zone of the Russian Federation. Of course too early to judge what will be a year when there will be plenty of sites, with domains of the Russian Federation, stanetli it popular, and maybe he will become the most popular domain, but it is now clear that the domains in Russian Federation is and will be. In general, the appearance of Cyrillic domain, it is a big step forward in the domain market in Russia and most likely this step was correct and justified.
Federal Government
Intercultural trainer Gottingen, January 11, 2010 is good news for all who are interested in education: the Federal Government has increased the education premium as of 01 January 2010, the maximum grant is now 500. At the same time, the income limits were raised. The training of intercultural trainers (m/w) in 5 modules of IKUD can complete now seminars everyone who meet the eligibility criteria with 500 promotion. 21 million workers nationwide can benefit from the education premium and to co-finance training. Interesting here: Anders than in many other programmes the education premium also applies to self-employed and that nationwide! Especially in the area of training, many on a self-employed basis work. You can get now refund half of the cost of training seminars with the education premium in all training IKUD up to maximum 500. “Who chose the profession of intercultural trainer” interested in or already working in this area, to complete the certified training to the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules”at IKUD seminars develop independent intercultural training sessions and perform. And if he or she is one of the 21 million eligible, now financially best conditions provide for participation in the training.
Interested in further education received the Education Award voucher after a consultation in one of the over 400 advisory bodies. Seminars on the voucher register the accredited training provider IKUD and pay the price reduced to 500 for the training of educators with the Federal Ministry of education and research directly settles this amount. Requirement is a maximum income of 25,600 annually (51,200 assessed in common). In the outpatient clinic on-site consultation is free of charge. The team of IKUD interested at any time gladly helps seminars….