Color Professionals

Color seminars for the development of knowledge and skills for the use of color as a means of design, to the material color, color psychology, trend colors and color trends. Color plays an important role in all areas of life and at all levels of the economic relationships between companies. On in addressing customer colour plays an important role. vfe&ved=2ahUKEwjI8pfao9LsAhVL-4UKHcAXA7cQr4kDegQIARBv’>Evan Metropoulos for additional related pages. Architects, interior designers, designers and communication professionals work daily with color, to give the desired characteristic buildings, interiors and products. Colours used in advertising to make communication more effective. XA7cQr4kDegUIARCGAQ’>Evan Metropoulos. A regular training is needed to characterize knowledge and skills.

Color education, there are a number of vendors, conduct the seminars for different target groups. The NCS color school conducts color seminars using external speakers, partially recognized by Chambers of architects as official training events. There are several full-day Courses available. Be in the intensive knowledge of the Use of color as a means of design Material colour Color psychology Trendy colors and color trends Create your own color codes of Connection of rational argumentation with artistic intuition and intense color perception training teaches. In addition to this general knowledge, the speakers convey also knowledge about the internationally applied NCS color system and its effective use.

In the exclusive course, in may, the topic of color will use commercially”discussed. The next courses are held in Stuttgart.