Coming elections, it should be clarified, according to the will of the President, to be held in May next year – to local authorities. Main of them are linked to competition for the post of mayor of Tbilisi. The opposition hopes to win this election and deprive Saakashvili major political and electoral foothold before the parliamentary and presidential elections. During the first round of talks presented by the ruling party was discussed, "United National Movement" set of proposals in which the authorities insist on a 30-percent electoral threshold for winning the future. It proposal did not pass because the opposition political movement "Alliance for Georgia", confident in the success of their candidate Alasania, required 50 percent threshold. The authorities, however, and this they have into account, there is no much hope for sympathy metropolitan voters that showed the presidential elections in January 2008. After refusing to accept the alliance Alasania version of "30 percent" of the vote, unfortunately for the parties took place, and Now the meeting will resume on Tuesday. In this case the ruling party walked out of negotiations the first to publicly express their discontent.
Such actions by government experts regard as a consequence undesirable for them to face the reality of the destination of the second round. "They are hysterically afraid of such a change, – said political scientist Joseph Tsiskarishvili. – 50 percent, they simply will not gain, but 30 percent – still all right. The rest can be adapted to this index. " By the way, are not without interest, and proposed methods of choosing the chairman of the authority of the Central Election Commission. The President represents the three Candidates for the post, for sure – "our people", opposition members of the commission. If no candidate receives a majority, then some of the candidates will adopt later in the session of parliament, where everything in the hands of the ruling party. This is called – "or vote, or elect themselves …" Along with that, now do not waste time the current mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava.
Sovereign officials fully take care of his success. In fact, the campaign has begun, and these efforts are manifested advance at least that the government is literally begging the population every vote. They are using specially hired people bypass the houses and apartments, residents questioned about their attitudes toward the results of the Tbilisi mayor's office probed public opinion, are asked to respond to the questions and the answers often write themselves, and this should serve to increase the chances of candidates of the current mayor, what is extremely interested Saakashvili and his friendly, but slightly confused team. Meanwhile, preparations for the elections will not remain without attention of the interested Washington and major European capitals, puzzled over the problem volatile South Caucasus country. That is what counts, not least the opposition "army" of politicians, finished in the first case, a prominent eye accuse the government of unfair methods of struggle, until usurpation of authority, and promptly report to the White House.