Our blog we try to constantly improve, and enrich the functions our site. These functions must be useful to our readers, but especially for our subscribers. And that is why now accounts with an advantage of which I invite you to take advantage. We are talking about the page’s author. Learn more on the subject from website. With author’s page you can display other data about yourself that you want the reader to know readers.
For example you can upload your photo so that you see on your author page, but the thing more important still is that you can write in 2 or 3 lines your biography, describing who you are, the address of your web site, to which you dedicate yourself and products or services to offer. All this resultara in free publicity for you and your website. Click here to see an example of what we are talking about: this person is one of the writers most active of our blog. As if little, every time we send weekly newsletter to hundreds of people, under the entry, the link will appear to the page of the author who has written it and this You will benefit even more than our advertising. To build you your author page go to your profile, write a description of your activities and internet site, upload your photo, and already have your page list author, it’s that easy.