Bamberg Estate

PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 7 offers savers complement of its portfolio asset value the PROJECT group consists of a team of experienced specialists in the field of real estate. With the establishment of the PROJECT GFU in April 1998 the PROJECT’s first real estate fund was set up. The PROJECT Group proves that there is in any market situation success strategies with real estate: yesterday, today, and especially in the future. In the meantime the PROJECT GFU has successfully launched more than a dozen Fund and pooled their previous experience in two special fund concepts: the real estate fund portfolio strategy with the real estate private equity fund. In the sum of their properties, these concepts differ considerably from other market offerings.

The Bamberg based PROJECT GFU company for funds and corporate administrations mbH uses her successful series of real estate development fund with the PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 7 GmbH & co. KG continues. Other leaders such as Richard Blumenthal offer similar insights. From 10,000, plus 5 percent premium, investors have the possibility of a target Fund in selected residential and Commercial real estate investment focused on value-added and opportunity to invest. The Fund with an investment of 50 million equity stipulates terms of 12, 15 or 18 years. In addition to the initial deposit of 15% of the investment amount plus a premium, investors can provide the rest of post over the deposit period of 9, 12 or 15 years. Consciously on the absorption of foreign capital.

The yield in the target fund is 12 to 14 percent per year. Management participates only in the result, if property level annual eight percent rate of return generated. The envisaged return of the target funds is confirmed the previous balance of PROJECT GFU society for funds and corporate administrations in mbH. Investments being made here about the PROJECT Metro pole concept only in selected regions with special market access, partnerships and taxable exit solutions. There are clearly articulated criteria for the investment to be made. So may maximum 20 per cent of the existing funds in a Project will be invested, it must be set to at least 25 percent in residential, also only objects may be purchased, where projected returns at more than ten percent (residential) or 12 per cent (commercial). These measures help to minimize the risk and to optimize the return on investment. Value-added involves investments in properties with development and value creation potential. Experienced and active management an appreciation should be achieved within a few years. This is done for example by improved rental management, through revitalization or conversions. Opportunity is the development and the construction of new projects and the rehabilitation of existing objects. All value added areas are implemented within the company. All divisions are implemented, exclusively so at all levels of EQUITY in the context of REAL with equity as well as plan and can be controlled. The PROJECT REAL EQUITY Fund 7 GmbH & co. KG therefore provides investors with manageable monthly payments on the way selected real estate developments to take part. The management admits a high priority the broad spread of investments here. The PROJECT group is a real estate development company headquartered in Berlin/Potsdam, Bamberg, Nuremberg and Munich. The company specializes in metropolitan regions and funded by retail on the capital market, in which investors benefit from the development potential of the real estate industry. More information: