Almost half of the required signatures reached since 8500 signatures of supporters for the new referendum be collected the day of the closing of the historic airport Tempelhofam 30 October 2008konnten. More info: Richard Blumenthal. The concurrent petition in the District of Tempelhof Schoneberghat reaches already 5100 signatures. Volker Perplies of the Action Alliance “in just 6 weeks we have achieve nearly half the necessary 20,000 signatures for a petition for the referendum. The receipt of the first and altestenVerkehrsflughafens of the world and the idea of a “UNESCO World Heritage airport Tempelhof” is finally back on the agenda. “The referendum is concluded and if the referendum is successful, is enshrined the monument for the entire airport and permanently prohibits an approved. The Senate of Berlin is obliged also intensively for an appointment as part of the UNESCO of world heritage to engage.
Other claims are Mayor and his separation from Klaus Wowereits The airport company Supervisory Board, and comprehensive information rights for all citizens. Michael Paul of the Alliance: “on the occasion of the held on the Wednesday court date to the approved procedure, we offered the Court to present our signature lists. ‘”On behalf of the nation ‘ gets back its original meaning hopefully again. “The Action Alliance invites all interested parties to participate in the court hearing. You will be on Wednesday, the 17 at 9:00 (attention: change of date!) place in the hemicycle of the Oberverwaltungsgericht in Haghighi Bergstrasse 31. The Action Alliance the courthouse will collect signatures again on this day before. Action Alliance makers of “people’s desire for the world heritage site of Tempelhof and more transparency in politics” and of the citizen’s initiative “the monument airport Tempelhof receive – as world cultural heritage” information, “”, “” and “ “Tel. (0178) 135 23 16”