Brazilian Constitutions

To support the maternity and to infancy; d). to help the families of numerous offspring; e). to protect youth against the exploration, as well as physical, moral and intellectual abandonment; f). to adopt tending legislative and administrative measures to restrict infantile mortality and the morbidade; of social hygiene that hinders the propagation of transmissible illnesses. In what article 141 is observed is had that he is obligator, in all domestic territory, the support to the maternity and infancy, so that the Union, the States and Cities will destine a percent of the respective taxable incomes. The norms of adopted support to infancy in this Constitution if must, perhaps, to the strong present nationalistic feeling at the time. The Constitution of 1937, detaches in its article 122, XV, measured to hinder the contrary manifestations to the public morality and the good customs, as well as especially destined to infancy and youth.

Article 127 specifically deals with the protection to the child and the adolescent determining that: Infancy and youth must be object of special cares and guarantees on the part of the State, that it will take all the measures to assure physical and moral conditions to them of the life s and harmonious development of its facultieses. The moral, intellectual or physical abandonment of infancy and youth will import serious lack of responsible for its guard and education, and creates to the State the duty to provide them with the comfort and the indispensable cares to the physical and moral preservation. The needy parents it attends the right to invoke the aid and protection of the State for the subsistence and education of its offspring the Brazilian Constitution of 1946 determines in its article 157, IX: prohibition of work the minors of fourteen years; in unhealthy industries, the women and the minors, of eighteen years; of nocturnal work the minors of eighteen years, respected, in any in case that, the conditions established in law and the exceptions admitted for the competent Judge. Already article 164 establishes: She is obligator, in all the domestic territory, the assistance to the maternity, infancy to the adolescence. The law will institute the support of families of numerous offspring.

The Constitution of 1969 (Constitutional Emendation n 1, of 17 of October of 1969), in article 165, X, keeps the prohibition of the work the minors of 14 years; of nocturnal work the minors of 16 years, and in unhealthy industries the minors of 18 years and the women. 4 of article 175 of the special Law will make use surplus the assistance to the maternity, infancy and the adolescence and on the education of bonanza. In one soon analysis of the Brazilian Constitutions, as for the special protection of children and adolescents, is possible that the first Constitution of the Empire and the Republican Constitution do not make reference to reference the protection to infancy. From the Constitution of 1934 it only is that the first devices appear of support and protection to the children and adolescents, as the support to infancy and the maternity, protection of youth of the exploration and the abandonment and the prohibition to the work for minors of 14 years. The Constitution of 1936 classifies serious lack the moral, intellectual or physical abandonment on the part of its responsible ones. Of 1946 it only becomes obligator the assistance the maternity, infancy and the adolescence