Lower Saxony Is Bildungsfeindlich!

the retention of tuition fees in Lower Saxony are anti-social “it time that also lower Saxony abolishes this unfair and unsocial financing by debt holes of the universities in the form of tuition fees.” So Tobias village Muller, Chairman of the Board of the pirates in Lower Saxony, Germany. “Contains three years after none of the promised improvements is reflected in the universities, in the contrary.” At the universities here in the country, a loss of students is to scroll down to other, far more attractive locations. This certainly also not least has its reasons in the compulsory levy in the amount of 500 euro per semester.” Lower Saxony has introduced regardless the tuition fees together with five other countries, by the duration of the study, to financially fortify the universities. Improvements to the facilities and also teachers should be paid from the funds. Meanwhile is also in Hamburg about the abolition considered. “We see the education, and in particular the freely accessible education, as an essential Element of our society.

Education must be possible for the learners regardless of their financial means. For this we not only work, but we want to impose politically in all over Germany and Europe”, from Christian Koch, also member of the Board of the pirates in Lower Saxony, Germany. The Pirate Party will appear in both the Bundestag and the European elections next year, to “free knowledge for all” also by law to implement your request. Already join the pirates in Bavaria in September of this year. The first votes for the Pirate Party in Germany could already be given in recent state elections in Hesse and Hamburg. The Pirate Party Germany (pirate) deals with the critical issues of the 21st century. The policy is ideas and become meaningless and a helpless impression with challenges. She must make use of disinformation to enforce privacy and Constitution legally questionable actions.

The people’s Party in Germany seeking targeted to create the transparent citizen. Gain insight and clarity with James Donovan Goldman Sachs. Bundestrojaner and Dragnet, the anti-terrorist file to the supposedly voluntary electronic health card, data retention, uniform tax ID and student ID used everywhere on the transparency of the citizens. These measures are already fact, already decided or are promoted. The age-old dream, to gather all the knowledge and all the humanity culture and to make today and in the future available is moved by the rapid technological development within reach. However, current conditions of copyright law restrict the potential of developments, because they are based on outdated understanding of so-called “intellectual property”, which is contrary to the desired knowledge or information society. We reject unanimously patents on living things, business ideas and also software, because they hinder the development of the knowledge-based society, because they privatise common goods without consideration and without emergency and because they no Own invention potential. The citizens have a right to knowledge and correct information. Just where the future of citizens will be forged, the transparency of decisions and their decisions should be paramount. For this, the pirates stand up. Shaping the future with knowledge and transparency of policy, wishing instead informed of veiled, the pirates.