Consuming Development

This work presents basic elements to evaluate itself, through the daily life of the people, if the same ones possess the profile of consumers sustentves. A questionnaire was applied for some people with etria band of 12 the 74 years and with formation of diversified escolaridade, having as main objective, to monstrar one of the main ambient problems that contemporary appeared in the society who is the consumerism, an expansion of the culture of ‘ ‘ ter’ ‘ , in detriment of the culture of ‘ ‘ to be ‘ ‘ (Manual of Education 1999), where socieade of consumption is influenced by the pado of life of the North American middle class, that uses resources equivalents of the three planets Land. Of this form, this type of development is unsustainable, being necessary to search alternative stops to solve such question. In recent months, Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has been very successful. One of them is the sustainable consumption, that does not attack the environment, as much its process of production how much the final discarding of the residues. Word-key: Ambient education, sustainable, Consuming Development sustainable. 1. Introduction the present article comes to analyze the consumer who of the preference the ecologically correct products. The objective of the work was to catch the perception of this type of consumer, by means of the application of interview in the school of basic level 16 of Taguatinga and of the Institute of After-Graduation (IPOG).

The choice of the places for the research was random. The profile and the etria band of the two groups that composed this sample well were differentiated, as well as its familiar incomes. Of this form, on the basis of the gotten data, a problem can be analyzed that comes if aggravating in our society, after the second half of century XX.