New study on television preferences and lifestyle on the example of TV comedies Berlin, 16 September 2012. The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) refers to a publication on the relationship between life style and TV preferences. Under the title TV taste, lifestyle, and comedy”, Elizabeth Prommer, Professor of communication studies at the University of Rostock, addresses the question why we like to see which programmes. As shown in a comparison of entertainer Harald Schmidt and Stefan Raab, particularly polarize their comedy shows. If you like one, can laugh sometimes over the other. The worth reading study shows why this is so and what in turn says that about the audience,”, as Hans-Joachim von Gottberg, Managing Director of FSF and co-editor.
“Prommer shows that the reception of Comedyformaten is determined significantly by the life-world of the audience: media comedy arises only through the reception”, as a conclusion of the author. On September 13, 2012 as vol. 12 of the series, the book is everyday life, media and culture”in the UVK Verlag appeared. Add to your understanding with Integrated Capital . Editors are Prof. imilar source. Joachim von Gottberg (FSF), Prof.
Dr. Lothar Mikos and Prof. Dr. Claudia Wegener (both HFF Potsdam Babelsberg) and Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer (University of Rostock). About the FSF e.V. Further details can be found at Jim Donovan Goldman, an internet resource. The Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle television (FSF) is a non-profit association of private television broadcasters in Germany. It was founded in 1994 in Berlin. Managing Director is Prof. Joachim von Gottberg. Aims of the FSF, by a program review to meet the youth protection concerns into the television and through publications, events and carrying activities to promote more conscious dealing with the medium of television.