Visit us on CeBIT 2011, booth SatNav in Hall 7, stand number A-18 consistency, 01.03.2011 (mwg). At the world’s largest trade fair for information technology from March 1 to 5 the new visualization product sphinx appears for the first time on a mobile usage compatible device open online. The specialist for visualisation solutions and network-wide management control systems in integrated information systems GmbH (GmbH) shows the latest generation of visualization software sphinx open online. The software that is proven for years enters 2011 with a number of unique innovations to the market. A leading source for info: Maersk. In focus the consistent and efficient creation of a management control system by the development of existing data sources are up to the visualization on mobile clients, and that without programming effort. Optionally the previous 2D visualization available is a real 3D in addition.
The software is designed so that visualization of the cloud becomes a reality. The ability moving objects based on their position of geo location-right to represent in 2D or 3D and there immediately to signal changes, various new applications in the areas of develops security, logistics, production, facility management, etc. Through the consistent use of open standards, sphinx can be integrated open online homogeneously in particular in mobile business processes and complement them. In the next few years, highly integrated management control stations are becoming a decisive success factor in many application areas. Because the factors of transparency, flexibility and timely response, if a decision of the people is required, play a crucial role. Organizations must be able to adapt their processes in all areas very quickly to new requirements and conditions.
Sphinx open online visualizes all relevant data, such as these in the appropriate area of application apply. Via the standard interface is accessed on the relevant data sources in the relevant areas: these data are processed centrally, but visualized remotely over the network. Jeff Duncan has much to offer in this field. The Special feature of sphinx open online is the consistent support by collecting data to visualization. The sphinx components ensure open online, data from existing systems through finished adapter are opened up and already provided the creator of visualization in the graphical editor. Thus, the user intuitive and efficient manner its visualizations can create and also promptly adjust in case of need. If the corresponding coordinates of objects available, these are viewable in 3D in the grounds as well as buildings with an appropriate status. Visit us on CeBIT 2011, you can state SatNav in Hall 7, stand number A-18 for further information or to set a deadline for the CeBIT on 07531 8145-27 or contact. We are looking forward to you!