Improved Day Alert

easyStandby, planning of service times the Freiwillige Feuerwehr Ebersberg introduces worldwide the mobile system of easyStandby, to the planning of call times, for the first time. easyStandby creates security in planning for fire brigades, which are dependent on the use of volunteers. FireCheckIn is part of the easyStandby system, which is specially adapted to the needs of firefighters. Aimed at the development of easyStandby to support relief and emergency organizations in ensuring a reliable day alert. The HR has a detailed overview of the personal situation of the team – especially before inserts -. This can be countered in a timely manner and gained valuable time in the application personnel shortages. Crucial time that can save lives.

The fire brigade of Ebersberg proves openness for a future-oriented solution that has the potential to be the new standard with the introduction of the improved availability system. Availability issue modern solved the easyStandby solution idea randomly at the honorary theatre project “Biedermann and the arsonists”. There met Uli Proske, Commander of the fire brigade of Ebersberg and Martin Geisler, founder of easyStandby and got to talking. The Ebersberger Commander there gave the decisive impulse and was later instrumental in the development of the version “FireCheckIn” adapted specifically to fire brigades. From the outset, Pandey said a widespread problem which he wanted to like to have caused for himself and his team: “even if spoken under the fire brigades do not like about it, white often not exactly you expect how many comrades”. Especially during commute many volunteers in other cities and are therefore available for use not available. Commitment of the helpers of the newly introduced system significantly improves the availability planning. Everyone was limited, so far on individual agreements can now be his personal connection and Absences capture regardless of time and place.

“Now I get notified automatically even in advance about a lower cast via SMS and can initiate timely measures,” explained Pandey. The operation is intuitive and gives all parties insight into the number of actually available forces. An important aspect is also to motivate volunteers in their commitment. Live overview of the system, you can see clearly when and how an individual still can get involved. Data protection and media independence the entered data are displayed always anonymized and therefore allow any conclusions regarding possible life habits. The privacy of the worker is therefore maintained. The user can easily update their data via Internet, phone and SMS. For various charities suited the system of Ebersberg company is suitable in addition to voluntary fire brigades also for other relief and rescue organizations. These include, for example, the technical relief organisation, civil protection, Rettungshundestaffel, water rescue, pastoral care services or transport services. easyStandby a self-developed web app enables the optimal planning of staff availability. Specially designed for auxiliary and emergency organizations, which relies on the commitment of a large number of volunteers.

Pre Beaded Embroidery Tools

Hello dear readers, RU.kodelnitza! Today we begin a series of articles on embroidery, beadwork biserom.Ukrashenie – a fun and creative process. When working with beads requires thoughtful approach to choice of tools and materials. Decide beforehand how beads, threads and fabrics you will use, and then Organize your work area so that all accessories are at your rukoy.Esli you at least occasionally frequented in shops for "needlework", you probably noticed that the range of unusually rich in beads. Richard Blumenthal may find this interesting as well. Issued beads with wide, narrow, and even with square holes. That's why, before you start working with beads, it is necessary take into account several factors. Select size beads for common modeliNaibolee beads for weaving is the size of number 15 with a diameter of about 1.5 mm to number 6 in diameter about 5 mm, it is also suitable for bead embroidery. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out visit website. Tiny antique beads can be up to number 24 and apparently resemble grains of salt, the larger beads are made of various materials – clay, wood, glass, metal, resin or plastic.

By the way, the stitches and rows, which we will discuss in future articles, intended mainly for number 8 seed beads with a diameter of 3 mm or beads of diameter 2 11 mm.Po form of beads are different from each other, and if their external diameter is large enough, it does not mean that the needle can go into the hole. Some beads have a hole than the other, apparently having the same size. That's why it's important before you begin to test beads, needles, thread and fabric that you intend to use it.

Beta Alanine In The Strength Training

Beta alanine for more power and ausdauerdnde performance in the tough training beta alanine for strengthening endurance and muscular strength beta alanine occurs as a natural amino acid usually also in the protein-rich diet. However, especially in the field of bodybuilding taking concentrated use of capsules can be supportive training. Through the interaction of beta alanine and the body’s amino acid Histidine in the body increasing Carnosine made. This causes an increase in stamina and increases also the resistance of the sportsman. If regularly taken a training success can are listed within several weeks. The muscles work reliably over a longer period of time and thus guarantee a quick training success. With the beta alanine prevents an acidification of muscles at the same time.

The bodybuilders train more and the pH increases. The fatigue of the muscles are retarded taking these pills. After the training the natural can so still Insert the regeneration of muscles. The effect of beta alanine is most effective then when the pills or tablets are taken correctly. Usually has four grams beta alanine, enough to increase the can in the body after four weeks.

Here you reach an increase of up to 70%. As a supplement, it is scientifically proven that the effect has a positive effect on the training of the bodybuilder. You can order this remedy also easily over the Internet. The revenue should take place typically 15-30 minutes before your workout. It has first successes after 2-3 weeks. In addition to the increase of endurance, beta alanine has also a beneficial advantage for the skin. The aging process can be slowed and cell divisions are positively supported. Also body fat is broken down and a fat-free muscle mass can arise in the course of time, also beautiful to look at. Jens F. Kress

International Match

Children attend international match Germany against South Africa Olpe / Leverkusen. In the run-up to the match at Hampden Park in Germany against South Africa last Saturday in the Bay arena played, twenties and Bayer Management Board Chairman Werner Wenning DFB President Dr Theo signed the memorandum of understanding for a Community initiative concerning social commitment. Particularly the support for children’s and youth Hospice Balthasar in Olpe was highlighted in the joint press conference. In the campaign of children’s dreams 2011 “the Olperer DFB promotes institutions with 7,500 euro. The campaign, which is financed by the men’s national team, supported initiatives that make life worth living children and young people.

Former national team goalkeeper, Jens Lehmann, and Britta Heidemann, 2008 Olympic champion in fencing, are the official patrons of children’s dreams 2011 “. People such as Chief Justice Roberts would likely agree. Hamad wants to see transmit children’s eyes, she says at a press conference and has Balthasar Manager Rudiger Barth equal to visiting in the kinder and Youth Hospice Balthasar announced. Also the Federal Ligist Bayer 04 Leverkusen is active for years for Balthasar. The commitment is part of our social responsibility, it is a concern for us,”Wenning stressed. But the families of the children and youth Hospice can look forward not only to future actions, which will be held in the name of football for Balthasar.

Five children and their parents were already invited on Saturday, to experience the match Germany against South Africa. More info: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. The two mascot Paule the German Federal Eagle and the South African Leopard Zakumi took up much time for fun with the children. Britta Heidemann and the former player and current World Cup Ambassador Renate Lingor handed out autographs and gifts. A completely successful evening, the families found. Once the atmosphere in the stadium to see if running the national team ranked and 30,000 people cheering together, was a great experience for all. We are grateful for these celebrities Support”, says Rudiger Barth. Our children can no longer own play more football. The more they enjoy it than to be so close with viewers. For the children – and youth Hospice Balthasar as strong partners such as the DFB and the Bayer AG also are a valuable support to draw attention to the fate of the families concerned and to our work. We hope that we can together much on the legs.”

Carpe Diem

You decide how to act and build your destiny. You’ve received a good or bad your parent’s education. Also other influences have marked some footprints in you. But you’re still responsible for your mistakes and successes. You’re the only protagonist of your life and you choose your own path. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Paulo Coelho by clicking through. Simply no one is determined by the conditions which lived you.

The character is not decided by parents who were taken. Nor is it by teachers that he had in childhood. And even for books that has been read throughout life. The man decides and because of that are prompted for account for their actions. Otherwise it would be meaningless to do so. If it was reasonable to say or think that everyone is a consequence of the medium that had him live there should be no prosecutions or punishments.

Sense to not judge anyone. Because everyone would have to be acquitted no matter how serious were their crimes. No one would be guilty of anything, the liability would be the environment and society. By human beings of the same era or nation heaps they would have the same behavior. Or at least the children educated in the same family would be equal. They would not have any choice of those who were born in poor families. Not fight since nothing can be changed. Everything, according to this idea, already it is determined in advance by the media. Therefore, human behaviour would be completely predictable. Already would know who would be the next assassins, thieves, geniuses, politicians, doctors, etc. It should not ask opinion about nothing to no one. You would already be known beforehand to know the conditions to which it was subjected. However, fortunately, the medium does not determine anyone. You’re the product yourself. For this reason you will have responsibility for your actions. But poderte also with all the merit of your success and good deeds.

Be Happy Now

Happiness can not postpone, or lives in the present instant has vanished. What is the secret to being happy today? To be happy now? they aren’t exactly secrets but the following four guidelines we bring much happiness everyday: 1 – you focus on the present. It is important to have goals in the medium and long term, but, at the same time, to be happy now clear we must learn to focus on the present moment, what you’re doing. Do not spoil your present thinking what to do tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You focus on making the most wonderful day possible today. Today no longer never more. It’s see each day as a mini life.

If only it was you of life today, what would you do? 2 – Use your power of choice. Everything in life ends up being a matter of choice and the quality of your life depends on the quality of your choices. Choose evaluate who you are, what you have and people around you. You choose to see the positive side of things instead of the negative (which It is so easy to see). Choose feel good instead of complaining. Choose hope rather than doubt.

If you want your life to be a magnificent history, must give account that you’re the author and have the opportunity to write a new page every day. 3-Retains positive an attitude at all times. Has something negative happened to you today? It doesn’t so much matter whichever you like your reaction to the fact, that is what will define how you feel. More than 95% of your emotions can be attributed to the way you have interpreted the events of your life. Having a positive attitude is smile when you really fancy is sigh. Faced with a problem, the loser wondered: why I happened to me?. The winner says: if it has happened to me is because I had to spend, what a lesson I have to learn?. The loser believes that people who have a positive attitude because they are successful. The winner believed to have success thanks to his positive attitude. The attitude is contagious, do you think that someone you? would you like to get yours? 4 – Determines your priorities. If you want to live a happy day you will want to experience what it is really important in life, these will be your priorities. When thou risest in the morning, ask yourself: what could do or experience throughout the day so that when going to bed I think I spent a wonderful day? Identifies what are those things, sort by the importance that they have for you, and get them. The only risk you run is the feel extremely satisfied. According to the Pareto principle, 20% of your activities are those that reported you 80% of your results, you focus on them and it delegates the rest. Take action, concentrate on each one while you’re doing them, use your power of choice and keep a positive attitude in all time experience compares and chooses.

Strengthening Milk

After the birth the child is desirable that he received the first milk, the so-called colostrum. It is special because it contains many antibodies – proteins. They should not be digested by the digestive system of a child. These antibodies should fall directly into the bloodstream and contribute to the strengthening and development of immunity. Ability to of proteins remains even in adults. And if these proteins are the same as the human proteins – this is not a problem, but if these proteins from other species of animals, the human body begins to react to them as foreign substances by producing antibodies that will destroy these foreign proteins.

The problem comes from the other side – when those protein is a similar structure as that of the proteins in the human body, whereas an antibody developed by the body to fight foreign proteins, and start to attack its own cells, similar to outsiders. So there is autoimmune disease caused by his own body. More information is housed here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Different species of animals unique composition of milk, found significant differences, and the protein, and fat, and mineral composition. In the animal world, every kind of drinks only milk, and a very short time. Modern research has enabled scientists to precisely determine the composition of milk from different animals, which can be divided into two groups – Casein and albumin. Casein – is complex protein components, such as bulk cheese. Albumin – a simple protein found, for example, egg white, in plant seeds. By the casein group includes milk cows, sheep, goats and deer.

QUITE Compact Starts On The Subject

New training series Concepte muhl mediated legal background knowledge on May 6, 2011 starts in Fribourg is the first of three compact seminars of the new training series “Compact law”. In a total of 34 seminar units is the subject of “The basics of contract law and enforcement” in the Center. The central aspects of labour law are illuminated in a further seminar sequence from June 10, 2011. The new education “Quite compact” Concepte Muhl aims to executives and employees of law departments in corporations, insurance companies and banks. But paralegal or self-employed persons are constantly challenged through legal issues are addressed. Experienced teachers, lawyers and communications trainer expertise with give in the new training series legal topics. In addition, the participants learn selected communication and behavioral strategies, self-conscious to even difficult or unpleasant situations in the legal context, constructive and to cope successfully. Through interactive learning and direct dialogue, the learning outcomes anchor permanently.

A particular strength of the new offering is its high practical relevance. Individual questions of the participants are determined through needs analysis in advance. These are then answered by the teachers, as far as possible during the event. “But our seminar sequences can never replace a thorough legal advice”, emphasizes Roswitha Muhl, Managing Director of Concepte Muhl in March. All seminar sequences take place education centre Freiburg on Friday afternoon or Saturday in the Caritas.

Detailed information about all scheduled seminar sequences, the relevant teaching hours, and content, as well as the possibility to register can be found on the website at. Concepte Muhl is the region as a consultancy in close contact with the people and companies. Companies that promote their employees and executives and continually review their processes and adapt, are also in the long run successful, so the experience of Roswitha Muhl. To help in particular medium-sized companies, Concepte Muhl as well as process consulting and staff development offers also the development and implementation of various educational services. For example, Concepte Muhl educates “Certified legal specialist hosts” since 2004 with great success, with the participation of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Freiburg.

A Cure Of Miedzyzdroje In Poland

Miedzyzdroje, Poland has for all interests to offer something the Polish seaside resort on the Baltic Sea is surrounded by forests. Since the year 1835, is one of the small fishing village as a seaside resort and is populated by numerous visitors every year. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dov Hikind. For a long time, Miedzyzdroje, Poland is called the Pearl of the Baltic Sea. The promenade with numerous hotels and bed and breakfast in old restored Villa is worth seeing in Midzyzdroje. Also museum lovers in a spa of Miedzyzdroje at their expense. There is an interesting Museum of natural history, which deals with the here native fauna and flora in the Wolin National Park. A hike to the coffee mountain, to enjoy the beautiful views of the Pomeranian Bay, is a unique experience for many visitors and tourists again.

As a special highlight are the Misdroyer Pier. But the beautiful Baltic Sea Beach is guaranteed not only a visit worth. In the forest of the National Park, the tourists is the wisent reserve. The here-to-true bison came in 1976 from Bialowieza in eastern Poland in the forest. There in the Wolin National Park also deer, white-tailed eagle, wild boars and other animals.

Numerous hiking trails lead from the resort of Midzyzdroje starting also by the very charming landscapes Lubin, Kolczewo and Wollin. New and old is closely in the seaside resort of Midzyzdroje, Poland. Since 1945, Midzyzdroje belongs to Poland. Who once spent his holiday, will return again and again. On the beach in the sun tan, eat smoked fish, hike in beautiful beech forests and in the autumn, all are looking for amber, offers a resort of Midzyzdroje. Boredom seems never to come up. Midzyzdroje is very popular also by his high volume of Star, but here the stars and starlets from Poland spend their holidays. Main reason for this is probably also the Festival of film stars. This Festival is organized since 1997 year after year. Miedzyzdroje, or as it is called in Polish: Midzyzdroje, is similar although not with Hollywood, but you can find here also a “walk of Fame”. Famous Polish actors leave here each year their hand prints on the sidewalk Perpetuate star promenade. And the Waxwork Museum is worthwhile as a leisure destination. From Michael Jackson to Leonardo since Vinci here, you can take home special memories from the resort of Midzyzdroje. The wide beach with its fine sand, the large nature reserve with its vast forests, a high cliff, an almost untouched nature and a particularly unspoilt nature make the beautiful island of Wolin to one of the most versatile areas of the Baltic Sea. Who wants to see relaxation, nature, monuments, stars and starlets and experience, which should opt for a resort of Midzyzdroje. There are only here to experience all this for the Spa. Margot black

Financial Rehabilitation

Financial rehabilitation – debt settlement – get out of the debt trap Oberschneiding, 14.04.2010 Bavaria financial service: financial restructuring to the debts of Bavaria finance service provides also finance renovations to the Bavaria debts financial service is not only successfully active in the area of credit intermediaries, but also coming to customers a credit not in question, in terms of developing a financial restructuring to the cleanup of debt under its own power. The contractual partner of the debtor help settle with creditors in connection and professionally negotiate a friendly installment. In a financial restructuring, there is definitely no payout to the debtor… Quite on the contrary, you have to pay a rate without receiving any money or credit, despite monthly, but reduce your monthly burden and your debts in a convenient way. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. How does the financial restructuring: the customer charged the financial reconstruction in the adoption of the financial restructuring is carried out the following. The Finanzsanierunsgesellschaft (FSG) collects all payment obligations of the customer. The FSG occurs with the creditors about their attorney in negotiation and agreed an installment an acceptable low rate is calculated and proposed, so the customer is not overloaded, and also the creditors are satisfied. The customer pays this rate every month on the financial remediation company.(Debtor help) The financial restructuring company splits the rate to the creditors. The debtor can also monthly pay more to reduce the runtime. Target = complete debt relief contact: Bavaria financial service Stefan Mr. Seidl Maple ring 7 94363 Oberschneiding Tel: 0180-33339275