In a generalized manner, it can be said that education is the process by which the knowledge and necessary attitudes are transmitted to the individual so that it has conditions to combine it the society. In the communities simplest, the acquisition of knowledge especially did not demand establishments destined to the educative tasks; the learning if carried through of course, therefore the child participated of the common works and in agreement she grew, the role that she played in the communities defined each time more. But, the specialization of tasks inside of the society led to the creation of the differentiated learning and the crystallization of social classrooms with antagonistic interests transformed the education into a perenizador instrument of this division. Leaving of these assertive ones, this work has as objective to search information on as if it gave to the education in the aboriginal aldeamentos of Brazil Colony under the direction of the Jesuit priests. Investigating the intention of these first educators, which the resources used in the process pertinent teach-learning of the time and other questions to the subject, the methodology was based with priority, in the bibliographical research. One searched varied readings since traditional authors of the Brazilian historiografia until articles of magazines specialized in history.
A final result cannot be presented, therefore the work still meets in elaboration. Word-key: Brazil Colony. Education. Jesutica. INTRODUCTION Organized and managed by Jesuits in the New World, the aboriginal aldeamentos? also called missions or reductions? they had been part of a great evangelizadora and civilizadora workmanship. ‘ ‘ Jesuit education: objective, methodology and content in the aboriginal aldeamentos of Brazil Colnia’ ‘ it searchs to apprehend as if it gave the educational work in these definitive spaces that were inserted in a context well ampler. Through a vast bibliographical research, this inquiry it finished judging necessary brief notations on the Jesuits and its educational system as a whole.