Brazilian Constitutions

To support the maternity and to infancy; d). to help the families of numerous offspring; e). to protect youth against the exploration, as well as physical, moral and intellectual abandonment; f). to adopt tending legislative and administrative measures to restrict infantile mortality and the morbidade; of social hygiene that hinders the propagation of transmissible illnesses. In what article 141 is observed is had that he is obligator, in all domestic territory, the support to the maternity and infancy, so that the Union, the States and Cities will destine a percent of the respective taxable incomes. The norms of adopted support to infancy in this Constitution if must, perhaps, to the strong present nationalistic feeling at the time. The Constitution of 1937, detaches in its article 122, XV, measured to hinder the contrary manifestations to the public morality and the good customs, as well as especially destined to infancy and youth.

Article 127 specifically deals with the protection to the child and the adolescent determining that: Infancy and youth must be object of special cares and guarantees on the part of the State, that it will take all the measures to assure physical and moral conditions to them of the life s and harmonious development of its facultieses. The moral, intellectual or physical abandonment of infancy and youth will import serious lack of responsible for its guard and education, and creates to the State the duty to provide them with the comfort and the indispensable cares to the physical and moral preservation. The needy parents it attends the right to invoke the aid and protection of the State for the subsistence and education of its offspring the Brazilian Constitution of 1946 determines in its article 157, IX: prohibition of work the minors of fourteen years; in unhealthy industries, the women and the minors, of eighteen years; of nocturnal work the minors of eighteen years, respected, in any in case that, the conditions established in law and the exceptions admitted for the competent Judge. Already article 164 establishes: She is obligator, in all the domestic territory, the assistance to the maternity, infancy to the adolescence. The law will institute the support of families of numerous offspring.

The Constitution of 1969 (Constitutional Emendation n 1, of 17 of October of 1969), in article 165, X, keeps the prohibition of the work the minors of 14 years; of nocturnal work the minors of 16 years, and in unhealthy industries the minors of 18 years and the women. 4 of article 175 of the special Law will make use surplus the assistance to the maternity, infancy and the adolescence and on the education of bonanza. In one soon analysis of the Brazilian Constitutions, as for the special protection of children and adolescents, is possible that the first Constitution of the Empire and the Republican Constitution do not make reference to reference the protection to infancy. From the Constitution of 1934 it only is that the first devices appear of support and protection to the children and adolescents, as the support to infancy and the maternity, protection of youth of the exploration and the abandonment and the prohibition to the work for minors of 14 years. The Constitution of 1936 classifies serious lack the moral, intellectual or physical abandonment on the part of its responsible ones. Of 1946 it only becomes obligator the assistance the maternity, infancy and the adolescence


This style of development adopted for the developed countries, made with what it established a relation of exploration of the man for the man and the nature for the man, that is, in the practical one promoted the bad development, a predatory, laborious and unjust development. This started to be perceived by the occured indesejadas transformations in the nature, as, forests falling of trees, following the erosion and loss of fertility of ground, pollution of air for the industries, thus detaching, the paper of the transforming man, but at the same time predator of the nature. One of the Actions traced for the Rio/92 is Agenda 21, in it foresees a guideline of highly excellent actions to the developed countries, either in the change in the standards of consumption and the process of economic production, or co-making responsible these for the politics and action of control of the ambient crisis. It is coexisted then a scene of economic crisis with low capacity of job generation, and an ambient crisis without prescendentes, that are not known where this, and nor where it goes to arrive, only knows that it is a real question, and that it has congregated people, and organizations of everybody. Parallel to these questions, they also appear the development of the computerization process that has caused innumerable transformations in the way of life of the people in the modern society. This new vision of development intends to conciliate the diverse economic and social spheres together with the processes of ecological support with the objective to conserve and to preserve the natural resources you renewed and the improvement of the quality of life in the world. This process of development pautado for incompatible models of society with biological, social, cultural and economic the sustentabilbidade, unchained, with elapsing of the years the ambient crisis, this crisis, is, in essence, a symptom of a civilizatria crisis.


There are two elements that characterize them between the eating habits of Argentines: mate and dulce de leche. The dulce de leche as its name indicates it is a delicioza cream with sugar cooked to the point just to give the proper consistency. Origin: have certain historical anecdotes that, on one occasion, by the year 1829, met in Canuelas, 65 kilometers from Buenos Aires, in the room of the Federal Caudillo Juan Manuel de Rosas, this and the Unitarian Juan Lavalle. The latter, relative and political enemy of Rosas, arrived before the appointment and leaned on a bed, staying asleep, surrendered by the tiredness. Connecticut Senator often says this. The maid, who was preparing to fire the grout (milk with sugar) morning to Prime mate of milk to his patron, to see the attitude of the enemy of the restaurateur, was to give notice to the guards. Arriving roses, he left that Lavalle rested one while, and when it woke up, he asked the mate of milk, to what the maid recently took consciousness of that milk sugar continued boiling since early. And when he went to look for it he found that he had become a thick, dark brown substance. To ask what happened, they have roses tested it and liked the taste, so he shared his political enemy, what would later be the sweet Creole of the Argentine dairy industry if you want to read more about the history of this exquisite sweet visit this page original author and source of the article.

Constitution Court

In the case of how this has raised in Nicaragua has given much to talk about how that was adopted, in which gave a break to constitutional order. The concern is more very significant when the room constitutional of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) of Nicaragua declared unenforceable an article of the Constitution which prohibits continuous re-election, in a ruling that favors the reelectionists plans of the President Daniel Ortega in elections in 2011. He says, that the Constitutional Court declares the inapplicability of an article of the Magna Carta that inhibits the President and Vice President run for a second consecutive period in Office, according to the judge Francisco Rosales to read the opinion to the press. Failure indicates that the President of the Republic (.) You can perfectly run as a candidate in elections in 2011. The judgment seeks to annul a constitutional provision approved by the legislature in 1995 in order to avoid that the Nicaraguan rulers perpetuated in power.

The resolution of the Constitutional Chamber of the CSJ was approved by six judges related to the ruling Sandinista Front (FSLN, left), in response to an appeal submitted by Ortega on 15 October last the Council Supreme Electoral is also knows that the judges of the Constitutional Court also ordered the Electoral Council free a certification attesting to President Ortega so that it can participate in the elections of 2011. The sentence was handed down in the midst of the difficulties facing the Government Bank to gather the necessary votes in Congress to approve a constitutional reform, which would include among other things the possibility of continuous re-election. The Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (PLC), main opposition force, in a statement condemned the Court decision, which said seeking the re-election of Ortega wreaking all the legal and constitutional mechanisms. Remember, that Ortega, who ruled for the first time Nicaragua during the sandinista revolution (1979-90), returned to the Government in January 2007 after winning in popular elections.

Secretary General

Changes state system, redrawing the political map of the border, the empire into a republic, the king replaced the Secretary General and Secretary General of the President, but the essence of the country – its soul and spirit – and remain continue to live in new conditions. It is important that these conditions every time they were really new. To deepen your understanding Amazon is the source. It is painful and hard to say goodbye to the old reality – a cozy and warm, which was so much wrong, but so much good nostalgia hurts, does not let the desire to return everything, and although it is clear that the whole can not go back, you still want to keep what happened. But it is not: it was. And that's good, because there is what is, and this something must be done. Pointless to preserve the past: from his need to learn lessons and draw conclusions and move on. But to be able to go further, we must deeply reflect and truly feel something that will become part of past, namely the role of his country's history.

And it should osmylit and feel is not someone once, but all of society, that is each of us. A convincing example of a country that went through a similar metamorphosis, is Germany. After World War II, Germany lay in ruins, and lay in ruins not only the economy of the country, but mainly its ideology. Hitler offered the Germans fearful of Nazi ideology, and in the community found a considerable number of people who took the fateful sentence and holding the immediate implementation of this ideology into practice.

Brazilian Industrialization

The socialism in turn saw the movement of fight of the classroom as the engine of history establishing the Brazilian socialist party (PSB) in the year of 1902 with the marxist program. In formation of the laboring classroom two structural factors can be considered: economic and the ethnic composition, the economic factors are on Brazilian Industrialization .a accumulation of capital proceeding from the coffee and foreign immigration forming the hand? of workmanship that came to work in the cafeicultura, the ethnic composition weighed due the great plurality of existing etnias in pas.o Rio De Janeiro was a Portuguese city, So Paulo if its main predominant element formed as the Italian being. The diversity took the importation of ideologies, the cultural differences was great existed the ethnic rivalries, but the classroom supplanted the etnia due the classroom conscience that if it formed. The working-class movement started in century XIX, and had ascension between 1905 -1908, when the first wave of strikes happened, mainly in So Paulo they.em 1906 was carried through the first Laboring congress that decided to create the Brazilian Laboring confederation position defended for the anarco-syndicalist (they believed to be the union the natural organization of the masses), that it prevailed on the position of the socialist one that they wanted to establish a political party. People such as Amazon would likely agree. The working-class movement in the old republic between 1909-1912 was of depressions lived mainly for the oscillations of the economy, between 1912-1917 was a period of great strikes mainly of 1917 in So Paulo. In Rio De Janeiro in 1917 the FORJ (Laboring Federacy of Rio De Janeiro) was pledged in the campaign against the life high prices and from February of 1917 the numbers of assemblies for a joint of a great syndical organization had grown. In 1918 the UGT was created (National Union of the Workers) that substitua the FORJ, that was closed for the policy. .


Documents you can use any. If a paper issued by "a hundred years ago, lost, you can alternatively submit a certified local governments pohozyaystvennoy excerpt from the book. It is true that where this book search, the law did not specify. Is not in him, and explanations from officials of any level (in the administration of village point, area or region) must certify the statement. General issues to implement the law on dacha amnesty set.

How, for example, register the land if the land has been allocated a relative who has died? If it is a heritable possession, then no problem. But if the land in his time was given for lifetime use, place it on the new rules cottagers quite difficult. Or as a woman who has married and changed her last name, to prove their right to land, received from her grandmother? We first have to at least acknowledge the ties of kinship and raise the archives. And how to determine which of the relatives of heirs have the right to claim land inherited in the Soviet era? With regard to flats decide such disputes are usually in court. And the fate of gardens today is actually delivered into the hands of the local administration. Once the right to use land justified and confirmed, you must obtain an extract from the cadastral plan.

For this portion must first pass survey. And here you can get stuck very long. For example, if in his time vacationers have identified six acres, and He uses a seven and a half, then set realistic boundaries need either the consent of the neighbors, or permission dacha cooperative.