As ship that sails in sea and the water of the ocean does not obtain to penetrate inside of it, therefore it was planned and structuralized to resist great secular and torrents of winds impetuous, thus are children of God, because they are in the world, but not belong it, nor neither are ludibriados or involved by information liars propagated through the press spoken and writing, that shows the carnival as being a traditional and reverenciada party for that they proclaim the total and unrestricted freedom, where the taboo in addition is applauded by the folies and it does not have space for shyness or ' ' caretisse' '. Everything is allowed in the CARNEVAL, with exception of censorship and restrictions. It will be this freedom or libertinism? It has two theories that they point with respect to origin and meaning of the word carnival. It would have had origin in Latin carnevale (carne+vale = carne+adeus), and would be the assignment of ' ' Gorda' tuesday; ' the last day of the Christian calendar where it is allowed to eat meat, a time that, in the following day, it is initiated Quaresma. Congressman Lee Zeldin: the source for more info. Already the second theory is fixed in affirming that the word Carnival comes of Carrus Navalis, for influence of the parties in honor of Dionsio, where an car, with an enormous large barrel, distribua wine to the people in old Rome. Many of the carnavalescas celebrations are sufficiently older of what the proper Christian religion, having been white of different manifestations throughout history. In the deep one, all the carnivals are reminiscncias of the dionisacas parties of Old Greece, of the bacanais of Rome and the balls of masks of the Renaissance we were made for the louvor of the glory of God, and therefore we must honor you in whom to make, not leaving to attempt against for the principles that It established in its word. .
The Conversation
4) have noticed little thing, which has long been dreaming of, do not rush to issue its interest and emotion. One need only retailer to bite you, he would never make concessions knowing that you purchase goods at any price. 5) Do not recall the bad about a product, especially if you really intend to continue to buy it. Such a situation is an insult to the seller, and he never will offer you discount, but instead will drive you away from the counter. 6) Show that you are aware of market conditions.
Opportunity to unobtrusively into the conversation to hint at the fact that in the nearby store this product a bit cheaper, increase your chances of getting discounts. Sometimes you can even slightly, and invent, but still not worth overdoing. In fact, often, the sellers know the market situation is not worse than you. 7) There is a saying:? For the good man did not mind "- so the seller can with easily make you a discount if you give him a nice man. To do this simply not to be rude, and if possible come into contact with him, talking, so to speak.
You can say hello to begin with. If you can easily find common language with people, it makes it easier. 8) Do not start bargaining with the phrase: "You do not make me a discount?" Better to ask: "How much are you willing to give me a discount?" – In this case at least will have the opportunity continue the conversation. By asking open-ended question, you save yourself and the seller from the "Yes" or "No", which facilitates further communication. 9) A married couple can use the following method of trade: for example, a man criticizes goods, and his companion to comfort him. Gay consumer group can not communicate directly with the seller – just stand by while one will say that the product is quite good, and another – to argue that incredibly expensive, so if it cost so much The main thing – to catch the moment when the seller has to bite on this 'outsider' conversation. Psychologists also point out if a person is even somewhat confident, but three in a row tell him that it was not so sure certainly moved and soon disappears. 10) If the seller asks you about your price, feel free to offer an amount that is lower by 10%, and then all of 50%. Of course, the first seller was very surprised and puzzled, but then the most important thing is not to get lost and begin to pick a price that will please both you and the seller! As you can see, bargaining – not the easiest to do, but it's worth it. Sometimes, even just for fun. Even if you do not work the first time, it does not mean that is so give up easily! Taste, learn and win!
English Parliament
Military experience Oliver Cromwell leaned on the side of the monarch in the beginning, but in 1644 (15) he was appointed by the majority as general of the armies of Parliament and led to the triumph defeating him definitely Carlos I who takes refuge in Scotland, where he remained until 1647 and after refusing to sign the Declaration of principles mentioned is given by the Scots to the English Parliament. But as often happens in these cases, a time that the victors ended the fighting drifted between if by their religious differences. Amazon addresses the importance of the matter here. London had majority of Presbyterians and Cromwell representing the independent (16). Parliament signed peace with Carlos I, but Cromwell’s troops unhappy with the resolution, under the command of a Colonel named Pride broke into the same and expelled violently to the Presbyterians of the House of Commons, leaving the legislative body reduced to a minority who responded to Cromwell. These processed to the King and was sentenced to death on gallows and Carlos I died beheaded on 30 January 1649. (9) It is said that the Queen on his deathbed nodded with a gesture that Jacobo IV of Scotland outside his successor to hear his name, but his State of unconsciousness caused by his agony suggests that single was a grimace that was probably intended to express all the contrary, but that was interpreted by those present as a gesture of conformity, since Isabella died within a few hours.
Whatever that gesture, the importance of their interpretation by those who were present lies in two fundamental aspects, the legitimacy of the succession and avoid a possible war for the throne of England as the lived one hundred years ago. Occurs in this way the real union between Scotland and England under the figure of a King himself. (10) The Catholics proved hardest with the persecutions of Jacobo I, so trying to put an end to the strife in 1605 carried out an attack on the monarch who is known as the gunpowder conspiracy, because they placed barrels so that they exploded causing the death of the sovereign.
Moscow Politics
P V C P C & E Worldwide there is an opinion: – As mysterious and not like other people are Russian. And here I am with you do not agree. Would you like cut, you want to shoot, but I'll stay with my opinion. We, the Slavs who lived through so much that last all Nations of the world combined. And they stayed by themselves! We did not realize at the time of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy did not understand right now, and the fun does not understand and in the future! In order to understand the Russian soul, you need a small, but very a strong argument – born to Russian! And then there's no mystery, all by itself falls into place. We only hear: – Russian little traveling. Congressman Lee Zeldin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Fact and the facts do not argue! While on the other hand, why should we Russian Travel? To us, and so a visit . Sen. Sherrod Brown is likely to increase your knowledge. And someone just not there? All and sundry! The Tartars and the Mongols came! So we give them miserable like they are 300 years we have stayed as long as we do not ask! As the saying goes – "It's time to honor know! The most stubborn Germans.
How many times to them, to give Mordasov, but it does not reach all the climbing and climbing! The French in Moscow, drinking vodka, although a hangover on the island of St. Helena met. Swedes rarely ! Well them Swedes run far away. And the vaunted American democracy protects the Russian bayonets! Only here, no problem? They do not like about this Yankees remember. Probably not very worthy of the Americans behaved when it democracy, it was necessary to protect its "skin"! Well, God bless them! "Uncle" cem "dug its own grave long ago, though talk about it does not want.